
Причиы хронической почечной недостаточности

    Причиы хронической почечной недостаточности

    Хроническая почечная недостаточность отностися к различными причинами, возникает в результате прогрессирующей гибели нефронов, как слежствие хронического заболевания почек. Хроническая почечная недостаточность является одним распространенным серьезным заболеванием и в тяжелы условиях будут угрожать жизни пациентов. Поэтому, эффективные методы лечения следует искать, как можно раньше.
    Для обеспечения лечебными эффектами, мы должны сначала дать понять, что является основной причиной почечной недостаточности, так что лечение может быть более целенаправленной и эффекты и курс процедур будет гораздо короче. Более того, важно, лучший период лечения не будет упущена точной и тщательной диагностики почечных причин отказа.
    Если целый ряд причин хронической почечной недостаточности, и они могут быть разделены на следующие аспекты.
    Гломерулярные поражения
    Клубочковой болезнь является одним частой причиной почечной недостаточности. Она включает в себя первичные и вторичные нефрит клубочка, такие как IgA нефропатии, фокусное сегментарный гломерулосклероз, диабетическая нефропатия, гипертонической почечной артериолосклероза, пурпура нефрит и др.
    Трубчатые интерстициальные поражения
    Они принадлежат к почечных канальцев заболеваний, включая хронический пиелонефрит, хронический нефропатии мочевой кислоты , обструктивной нефропатии (например, уретры обструкции, противотоком заболевания почек и камней в почках и мочевыводящих путях, и т.д.) и почек повреждены в результате приема лекарственных средств и препаратов, которые имеют почек токсичность, такие как болеутоляющее, тяжелых металлов, антибиотиков, некоторых противовоспалительных средств, медицинской контрастного вещества, противоопухолевых лекарств и некоторых китайских лекарств и т.д.
    Почечная сосудистые заболевания
    Почечная убытки можно условно разделить на почечной недостаточностью паренхимы и сосудов почек обесценения в соответствии с расположением реальных убытков. Общие почек сосудистые поражения включают гипертонический нефропатию, нервно-мышечной гипертонии, небольшой склероз артерий и т.д.
    Наследственная болезнь почек
    Такие, как поли кистозной болезни почек , синдром Альпорта и Наследственный нефрит и др.
    Инфекционные заболевания почек
    Включите хронический пиелонефрит , почечная туберкулез и т.д.
    нарушения обмена веществ Такие, как диабетическая нефропатия, нефропатия и подагрического амилоида нефропатии и т.д.
    Какой бы ни была причина почечной недостаточности, есть некоторые общие патогенез. Почечная недостаточность и потерю функции почек может привести к более стресс и напряжение здоровых почек тканей. Долгое время работы от перегрузки повредит больше и больше почек функциональные единицы и низкую СКФ. После того, как замкнутый круг формируется и когда СКФ падает ниже 25%, это будет очень трудно обратить вспять почек ущерб и восстановить функции почек даже при том, что основной причиной удаляется, поэтому ранняя диагностика и своевременное лечение очень необходимо для хронических больных с почечной недостаточностью.
    Различные лечения будет предлагаться в зависимости от основной причины почечной недостаточности. Первый шаг заключается в устранении основной причины и облегчить клинических симптомов и дискомфорта, а затем более эффективные методы лечения и меры должны быть приняты для восстановления поврежденных почек ткани, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее ухудшение почечных повреждений и защиты функции почек.


What Diet is Good for Microalbumin Levels

Microalbumin test is used to determine kidney function status and if albumin leaks into your urine, it means your kidneys are experiencing filtration problems. Actually, a appropriate Diet plays an important role in controlling or relieving the condition. Well then, what diet is good for microalbumin levels?

Swap high-protein meats for low-protein but high-quality protein diet

Since kidneys are damaged to some extent, so they are unable to process these high protein’s metabolic products as readily. As a result, extra protein will increase kidneys’ burden, causing further kidney damage. However, high-quality protein will produce few products and easily be absorbed by the body.

Drink enough water

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day for preventing dehydration. Because dehydration can increase your microalbumin levels. However, if you suffer from swelling at the same time, it is important to limit intake of fluid.

Stay away from alcohol

Consistently high results for microalbumin levels tests indicates poor renal function. In such a situation, stop drinking alcohol immediately. Effected kidneys cannot efficiently filter the toxin ethanol from the alcohol you drink, which increase your risk of continued high microalbumin levels.

Reduce salt intake

A high sodium diet increases your risk of high blood pressure. And hypertension also can cause spikes in your microalbumin levels. Therefore, it is important to develop a low-salt diet.

However, you should also know, if the condition cannot be relieved by diet regulation timely and effectively, you should also receive effective treatments as soon as possible.

In our Treatment center point, we do recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to you. It can help repair kidney damage and improve renal function by expanding blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading extracellular matrix as well as providing necessary nutrition. If you’d like to get the therapy, you can email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and we will do our best to help you!


How to Cure Hypertensive Nephropathy with Creatinine 7.0

From the name of Hypertensive Nephropathy, we can know it is a kind of kidney disease that caused by hypertension. Sometimes, the Hypertensive Nephropathy patients suffer from high creatinine. And creatinine 7.0 is so serious for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients. So you are supposed to contact our ONLINE DOCTOR to find effective treatments.
How serious the creatinine 7.0 is for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients
As we all know, the creatinine is one of the waste which is produced by muscle and then can be removed out of body by the healthy kidney. While the ability of the damaged kidney will decline a lot, so more and more creatinine level will remain in the blood. High creatinine level will cause further blood vessel distorter and kidney damages, then impact the whole immune system. So it is necessary for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients to decline the high creatinine level.
How to cure Hypertensive Nephropathy with creatinine 7.0
According to the unique feature of the Hypertensive Nephropathy, I want to recommend the traditional Medicated Bath to you, which is an excellent medical therapy in our hospital. The main composition of this therapy is various kinds of Chinese medical herbs. Only we boil these medical herbs for a long time, that can the medical effects released completely. We add a certain amount of hot water in the medical soup, then the medicated bath is done. The Hypertensive Nephropathy patients can soak into it and enjoy it. Through soaking, the whole blood circulation will be promoted, and the blood vessels will bb expanded, so that the blood can flow smoothly in the patients’ body. The high blood pressure will be remitted a lot. Then the damaged kidney will benefit a lot from the good blood circulation.
If you also think our medicated bath is a good therapy to deal with Hypertensive Nephropathy with creatinine 7.0, you can send emails to kidneycured@gmail.com , or add my viber/whatsapp +86 13933102807, or communicate with us through the skype:kidneycured


Life Expectancy for Kidney Failure Patients with 18% Kidney Function

The life is the most precious thing in the world. Without to say, everyone wants to live a longer life, especially the Kidney Failure patients only with 18% kidney function are concern more about the life expectancy. As for this question, you can communicate with our ONLINE DOCTOR, and I really hope my article will inspire you a little.
What is the life expectancy for kidney failure patients?
There is not a person want to suffer from the kidney failure. But since the God gave it to us, we are supposed to face it and fight against it. The significant of life is not in the length, but in the width. So the kidney failure patients who only remained 18% kidney function should try their best to seek the right treatments and gain a faith to live. As long as insist, you will see the hope. So next, I will share one of the Chinese medical treatments with you, and I believe that it must can bring you the hope.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to prolong the life expectancy for kidney failure patients
Our experienced Chinese medical doctor are struggling all the time, and they created the micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, which is a combination of the traditional Chinese medical herbs and western equipments. According to patients’ conditions, we select the right Chinese medical herbs which have a strong effects in improving kidney function. Then we need to made them into micro powders, the main purpose of that is sending them to the damaged kidney parts. So that a lot of the damaged kidney cells and tissues will be repaired and blood vessels will be expanded, the weak immune system of the kidney function will be improved, too. With the kidney function improving, the life expectancy will be prolonged.
If you a kidney failure patient with 18% kidney function, you can use our Chinese medial treatment to prolong your life expectancy. If you have the same idea, you can send emails to kidneycured@gmail.com , or add my viber/whatsapp +86 13933102807, or communicate with us through the skype:kidneycured.


Is Osmotherapy or Other Treatment Option Available in Dubai

I am diagnosed with Kidney Faislure and my doctor advises me to do dialysis and wait Kidney Transplant. But I do not want to do this. Can you suggest feasible therapy in Dubai who can treat by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
To find an effective treatment to control and relieve the renal lesions is the goal in most CKD patient’s remaining years.
Here the article may help you learn more about your disease condition, hoping this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a more suitable therapy. ONLINE DOCTOR can offer more details directly and quickly for free.
It is with regret that there are no any branches abroad owing to various problems up to now. but we have been committed to creates more opportunities for CKD patients to receive our unique therapy and live a better life.
Excellent service, considerate care and effective treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can really help you more to protect your remaining health and rescue your damaged kidneys.
The most important is that these specific therapies creates a better renal internal environment and promote the renal repair as far as possible with zero side effects. We ca really help you. Owing to particularity of the herbal medicine, treatments and prescription, it is necessary for patients to come to china to receive the remedy.
Add or call Viber/Whatsapp: +86 13933102807 to get more details directly. Besides, Email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave message on below, we are glad to offer you more professional guidance quickly for free.


Can Kidney Failure be Cured by Chinese Medicine

Kidney Failure is a serious kidney disease stage, in which the patients have lost a large amount of the kidney function. The kidney is an important organ for human body, once it was destroyed, the whole system will be disturbed. And I know that the kidney failure patients must want to seek effective treatments to cure the kidney failure. The Chinese medicine is a great choice for you. If you want to know more information about the Chinese medicine, you can contact our ONLINE DOCTOR.
What is Chinese medicine?
The Chinese medicine is based on traditional Chinese medical herbs, which has thousand years history in china. Chinese medicine not only include of medical herbs, but also include some internal organs of the animal, some kinds of shells and mineral group. The fact proves that Chinese medicine has little side effects to the patients, instead of that the medical effects can released completely. And according to certain principles, we have created a lot of kinds of Chinese medical treatments to deal with the kidney failure.
Chinese medical treatments to deal with kidney failure
There is “four plus seven” treatment in our hospital which have a great effects in dealing with the kidney failure. This therapy involves eleven small Chinese medical treatments. The “four” refers to a bottle of Maikang Composition, an oral Chinese Medicine, a dose of external application and a basin of foot bath with Chinese medicine. “seven” refers to seven external applications, they are Steaming Therapy, Circle Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Enema Therapy, Frangrance Therapy. After applying these treatments, the blood vessels will be expanded, damaged kidney cells will be repaired, immune system will be enhanced, at last the kidney function will be improved.
kidney failure can be reversed by our Chinese medicine, so if you are interested in them, you can send emails to kidneycured@gmail.com , or add my viber/whatsapp +8613933102807 or communicate with us through the skype:kidneycured.


Natural Treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Natural Treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease HospitalIn Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, many patients see their new life and new hope, because dialysis or kidney transplant is no longer the last choice for them. In our hospital, natural treatments, namely Chinese Herbal Medicine is the main-stream of kidney disease treatment. Now, follow me to learn more information. Any questions, please email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

Micro Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: it consists more than ten rare Traditional Chinese Medicine, such as: Shen kang herb, Shenshengkang, Maikang, Laotou herb, Xuelian hua, Jianchanhua, Dahuang and so on. All these medicine are exclusive of our hospital, and the main function of this medicine is to improve the blood circulation, discharge the toxin and stasis from body and repair and rebirth the new cells.

Traditional Chinese Oral Medicine: we have hundreds of secret recipe for renal failure. We will prescribe different kinds of oral medicine based on the individual condition. The function of oral medicine is to discharge toxin from blood, at the same time it can also improve appetite ,adjust the patient physical condition and discharge the toxin from body rapidly.

Medicated Bath: the patient only need to soak into the tub, there are some nutrition and medicine for sweating inside the tub, which can provide more nutrition and power to the kidney, at the same time it can adjust the secretion by sweating, it also can remit the itching problem, then the patient skin can be better.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture is another kind of special treatment, which can help the patient with less urine pass more urine, even to be normal. Because acupuncture can stimulate the kidney nerve and activity of muscle, so it is can help them to pass urine.

If you want to get these treatments, you need to come to China. If you have the plan, you can add my Whatsapp 8613933102807. It’s my pleasure to help you!