Каковы альтернативные методы лечения и причины ХБП
Есть некоторые пациенты почечная недостаточность пострадавшие от боли. Они имеют много таких симптомов, как отеки, рвота, усталость и так далее. Если у Вас возникли вопросы, пожалуйста, спросите нашего интернет-ВРАЧА бесплатно.
Существует множество причин ХБП, в которых диабет и высокое кровяное давление приходится до двух третей условиях cases.Other, которые влияют на почки включают в себя: гломерулонефрит, группа заболеваний характеризуется с воспалением и повреждением фильтровальные установки почек,; генетические заболевания почек, такие как поликистоз почек (ДОК), Alport синдрома; аутоиммунные заболевания, такие как системная красная волчанка (СКВ); пороки развития, которые происходят в ребенка развивается в утробе матери; препятствия, вызванные проблемами, как камни в почках, опухоли или увеличенной предстательной железы у мужчин. повторные инфекции мочевых путей.
Иммунотерапия может относиться к CKD, исправляя иммунной дисфункции и восстановления самовосстановления системы в body.Once нарушенной ткани почек может быть возрожден, почки смогут работать лучше.
Загрязненная терапия крови
При лечении ХБП, Загрязненная крови Терапия начинается с лечения нездоровый кровь вместо почек. Загрязненная крови терапия имеет три процессов обработки, каждый из которых играет важную роль в лечении ХБП. Эти три процесса лечения включают комбинированной терапии очищения крови, добавок элементов и функции восстановления.
Если вы хотите знать, как это работает в лечении ХБП, вы можете общаться с нашим медицинским работником, непосредственно.
Если у Вас возникли вопросы о нашей Micro-китайской медицины Осмотерапия пожалуйста, напишите kidneycured@gmail.com или оставить сообщение для нас. Наши профессиональные специалисты дадут вам рекомендации, как только это возможно.
What Are the Alternative Treatments and Reasons of CKD
There are some Kidney Failure patients suffered from pain. They have many symptoms such as edema, vomiting, fatigue and so on. If you have any question please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR for free.
There is a variety of causes of CKD,in which Diabetes and high blood pressure are responsible for up to two-thirds of the cases.Other conditions that affect the kidneys include: glomerulonephritis, a group of diseases featured with the inflammation and damage to the kidney's filtering units; genetic kidney diseases,such as polycystic kidney disease (PKD), alport syndrome; autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); malformations that occur as a baby develops in its mother's womb; obstructions caused by problems like kidney stones, tumors or an enlarged prostate gland in men. repeated urinary infections.
Immunotherapy can treat CKD by correcting the immune dysfunction and recovering the self-healing system in body.Once the impaired kidney tissues can be regenerated, the kidneys will be able to function better.
In treating CKD, Polluted Blood Therapy starts from treating unhealthy blood instead of the the kidneys. Polluted Blood Therapy has three treatment processes, each of which plays a vital role in treating CKD. These three treatment processes include combined therapy of blood purification, elements supplementation and function rebuilding.
If you want to know how it works in treating CKD, you can chat with our medical professional directly.
If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave message for us. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.
Can Chinese Herb Medicine Cure Kidney Failure Well
Chinese herbal medicine is the most ancient way of health care, plays an important role in ancient times. The development of modern medical technology today, now still have never even heard of it.
Chinese medicine is another treatment option besides them, then how can Chinese Herb Medicine cure Kidney Failure? If you have any question please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR for free.
Herbal medicine is the use of plant extracts, the main use of its therapeutic value. Because most plants contain chemical elements, there are physical therapy for healing.
The original human use of the vast flora of the vast population, regardless of the animal and plant observation and its components, the birth of the Chinese herbal medicine.
In a study by the World Health Organization show that for about 80% of the world's people still rely on herbal medicine to treat a disease, drug we use today about 74% containing at least one molecular botany.
Chinese medicines can provide more blood, oxygen and necessary nutritions for new renal cells to grow so as to rebuild renal structure and renal functions.
When renal functions and GFR are improved and urine output is increased patients will not need to take dialysis or kidney transplant or the side effects and frequency of dialysis will be much reduced for those that have taken dialysis for years.
When renal functions are improved, excessive creatinine, urea nitrogen and other metabolic wastes will be discharge out of the blood naturally. What is more, patients need not worry about the relapsing of high creatinine and BUN.
If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave message for us. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.
Best Treatment for Kidney Cysts with Chinese Herb
Puncturing and draining, then filling with alcohol
The puncturing and draining will be done as cyst becomes large. A long and thin needle is required to pierce through the skin so as to drain the fluids, and then alcohol solution is injected to prevent it from reforming.
People who are locally infected or have serious hemorrhage are not recommended to receive this therapy. Meanwhile, complications may be presented after the treatment, such as bleeding, infections, traumatic renal cyst or pneumohemothorax etc.
Puncturing together with draining, and then antibiotics are adopted.
This approach is suitable for those whose cysts are larger than 4cm and also complicated with capsular infections.
It is an innovation based on TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). And it also combines advanced Western technology. Our doctors will elect suitable and effective Chinese medical herbs according to patient’s individualized illness condition. Under the help of western osmosis devices, active ingredients of micronized Chinese herbs can be permeated into kidney lesions. It is good at alleviating kidney cysts patients.
If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneyabc@hotmail.com or leave message for us. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.
Effective Treatment for High Creatinine Level Except Dialysis
Is there any other treatment for high creatinine level other than dialysis? Dialysis is the most direct way to lower high creatinine level in blood; however, due to its side effects or complications, it becomes the last treatment option for kidney failure patients. Why is this? And what is the alternative treatment for high creatinine level other than dialysis? If you have any question please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR directly for free.
Why is dialysis needed for kidney failure patients?
Dialysis is needed when creatinine level is higher than the normal range, as it indicates there are lots of toxins in blood. Creatinine is a waste product in our body and discharged by kidneys with other wastes like urea nitrogen. High creatinine level in blood means kidney function is affected seriously and kidneys can not discharge wastes in blood any more. Therefore, removing these harmful substances out of blood is very important and necessary.
Treatment for high creatinine level other than dialysis
Dialysis is the most commonly used method for high creatinine level, but it does not mean this is the only treatment option. For kidney failure patients, aside from dialysis and kidney transplant, they can also try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a medical treatment that works through a group of herbs. These herbs have function of expanding blood vessels, anti-inflamamtion, anti-coagulation and degradation which can help to strengthen kidney. More importantly, effective ingredients in micro-Chinese medicine can supply injured kidney intrinsic cells with nutrition and activate them to work again. In this way, kidney function can be improved effectively.
If you have any question about your illness or our therapy, please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave message for us.
Which Kidney Failure Stages Can Be Reversed
Kidney Failure refers that a part or all of renal function has lost. Furthermore, chronic kidney failure is also divided into four stages. Different stages have different impaired degrees on kidney function. If you have any question please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR for free.
First, let’s see the four stages of Kidney Failure together.
In Stage 2, Renal failure in decompensation period. In clinical, patients who are in this stage will experience fatigue, poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and so on. In stage 3, renal failure. For patients with stage 3 kidney failure, it will have a severe drop on kidney function. With serious decline of kidney function, a series of symptoms such as high creatinine levels, proteinuria, swelling, hypertension, anemia, etc, will appear on patients; in stage 4, Uremia. It is the end stage chronic kidney failure. These symptoms which are mentioned above are more serious. Besides, many complications may be induced by uremia, like heart disease, nervous system problems and so on. All of them are life-threatening.
After knowing the different symptoms in different stages of kidney failure, we can see that there is a high possibility to reverse kidney failure in the early stage. That is to say, if patients are treated in the early stages, they will get a good recovery. On the contrary, opportunity of disease reversal will be reduced.
Then, I will tell you something about how to reverse stages of kidney failure.
Many natural therapies, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath and so on, are created by our hospital and have won a good reputation from renal disease patients.
If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave message for us. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.
First, let’s see the four stages of Kidney Failure together.
In Stage 2, Renal failure in decompensation period. In clinical, patients who are in this stage will experience fatigue, poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and so on. In stage 3, renal failure. For patients with stage 3 kidney failure, it will have a severe drop on kidney function. With serious decline of kidney function, a series of symptoms such as high creatinine levels, proteinuria, swelling, hypertension, anemia, etc, will appear on patients; in stage 4, Uremia. It is the end stage chronic kidney failure. These symptoms which are mentioned above are more serious. Besides, many complications may be induced by uremia, like heart disease, nervous system problems and so on. All of them are life-threatening.
After knowing the different symptoms in different stages of kidney failure, we can see that there is a high possibility to reverse kidney failure in the early stage. That is to say, if patients are treated in the early stages, they will get a good recovery. On the contrary, opportunity of disease reversal will be reduced.
Then, I will tell you something about how to reverse stages of kidney failure.
Many natural therapies, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath and so on, are created by our hospital and have won a good reputation from renal disease patients.
If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave message for us. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.
Is there Any Natural Alternative Therapy of Dialysis
Is there any alternative therapies which is more natural than dialysis ? It is known that dialysis is the most common ways to relieve the symptoms of kidney disease, but at the same time it also will bring some side-effects, especially the inadequate dialysis, skin itching is one of the symptoms. So if people want to relive it, they need to take adequate dialysis or take other alternative therapies, and the latter one is the best way to solve this problem.
Is there any alternative therapy which can help patient live better ?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the perfect combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, it can solve the kidney problem from its root. With the help of this therapy, kidney disease patient can have a high quality life without dialysis.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be used in any season and any weather, so you need not to consider the environmental factor. What’s more, it is easy to be absorbed. Research shows that 65% ingredients in it can get to kidney lesion directly. So it can cure this disease quickly and efficiently. In addition, it is a kind of external application therapy, so it can cure this disease without make further damage to the kidneys.
From the above we can know that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the alternative therapies can help kidney disease live better without dialysis. If you are interested in this therapy or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can contact us by email or leave message below, we will try our best to help you
Is there any alternative therapy which can help patient live better ?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the perfect combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, it can solve the kidney problem from its root. With the help of this therapy, kidney disease patient can have a high quality life without dialysis.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be used in any season and any weather, so you need not to consider the environmental factor. What’s more, it is easy to be absorbed. Research shows that 65% ingredients in it can get to kidney lesion directly. So it can cure this disease quickly and efficiently. In addition, it is a kind of external application therapy, so it can cure this disease without make further damage to the kidneys.
From the above we can know that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the alternative therapies can help kidney disease live better without dialysis. If you are interested in this therapy or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can contact us by email or leave message below, we will try our best to help you
How to Lower the High Creatinine Level after Dialysis
How to lower the high creatinine level after dialysis ? Dialysis is called artificial kidney, because it can replace damaged kidney to remove wastes, excess water and toxins from the body. Generally, dialysis does has an obvious and quick effect in lowering high creatinine level. But some times people will find that their creatinine level stay high after dialysis, so they are worried about it.
Why creatinine level stage high after dialysis ?
There are two mainly causes of the high creatinine level after dialysis:
The first one is inadequate dialysis, that means dialysis doesn’t remove creatinine from the blood fully. Long-term of inadequate dialysis is more likely to cause some life-threatening complications.
The second one is the patient’s creatinine level goes up between two dialysis treatments. Dialysis is a kidney replacement therapy rather than repairing damaged kidney, so it can only lower patients’ high creatinine level temporarily and serum creatinine goes up easily between dialysis intervals. To make elevated creatinine level come down and maintain stable for a long time, repairing damaged kidney and kidney function improvement is a must.
How to lower the high creatinine without dialysis ?
As we mentioned above if people want to maintain the level of creatinine, they need to repair the damaged kidneys and improve the kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the perfect combination of traditional Chinese herb medicine and Western Medicine, it can help people to achieve this goal.
If you want to know more details about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or need any help in treating kidney disease can send email to us or leave message to us, we will try our best to help you.
How to Treat Nephrotic Syndrome with Oliguria
How to treat nephrotic syndrome with oliguria ? Oliguria is a complicated symptom caused by Nephrotic Syndrome. As we all know, Nephrotic Syndrome has distinctive characters like amount of proteinuria, edema, hypoproteinemia and hyperlipemia.
Oliguria means your losing renal functions. In order to improve renal functions, the following therapies are recommended.
After years of research and experience accumulation, our Hospital experienced several stages of practical study, including taking Chinese medicine orally, hot compress with Chinese medicine, bath with Chinese medicine, cycle therapy with Chinese medicine, etc, and obtained a lot of valuable experience in TCM therapy. Gradually, we selected seven TCM therapies from numerous treatments to combine them organically, and formed a set of stereoscopic therapy of TCM.
The seven TCM stereoscopic therapies include: cycle therapy, hot compress therapy, foot bath therapy, full bath therapy, enema therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, moxibustion therapy.
Each of seven therapies has its own disadvantages and forms the system by itself. Related and complemented to each other, they form an organic stereoscopic system of therapy.
The aim of the stereoscopic therapies is to break through difficulties in treating chronic kidney diseases and make some new changes on curative effects, with the combination of TCM therapies.
Through years of practices, we have obtained a lot of unexpected achievements and saved many dying patients.
This stereoscopic therapy is to strengthen healthy qi by activating original qi and adjusting healthy qi, and to eliminate pathogenic factors by drawing out toxin, cleansing toxin, discharging toxin, detoxification and draining toxin. In this way, the therapeutic aim can be achieved, which includes not only strengthening healthy qi and eliminating pathogenic factors, but also tonifying original qi to supplement kidney.
The gist of treatment mainly includes seven aspects: activating, adjusting, drawing out, cleansing, discharging, detoxicating, and draining.
If you need any help in treating Nephrotic Syndrome, you can send email to us, we will try our best to help you. Our email: kidneycuredt@gmail.com
Oliguria means your losing renal functions. In order to improve renal functions, the following therapies are recommended.
After years of research and experience accumulation, our Hospital experienced several stages of practical study, including taking Chinese medicine orally, hot compress with Chinese medicine, bath with Chinese medicine, cycle therapy with Chinese medicine, etc, and obtained a lot of valuable experience in TCM therapy. Gradually, we selected seven TCM therapies from numerous treatments to combine them organically, and formed a set of stereoscopic therapy of TCM.
The seven TCM stereoscopic therapies include: cycle therapy, hot compress therapy, foot bath therapy, full bath therapy, enema therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, moxibustion therapy.
Each of seven therapies has its own disadvantages and forms the system by itself. Related and complemented to each other, they form an organic stereoscopic system of therapy.
The aim of the stereoscopic therapies is to break through difficulties in treating chronic kidney diseases and make some new changes on curative effects, with the combination of TCM therapies.
Through years of practices, we have obtained a lot of unexpected achievements and saved many dying patients.
This stereoscopic therapy is to strengthen healthy qi by activating original qi and adjusting healthy qi, and to eliminate pathogenic factors by drawing out toxin, cleansing toxin, discharging toxin, detoxification and draining toxin. In this way, the therapeutic aim can be achieved, which includes not only strengthening healthy qi and eliminating pathogenic factors, but also tonifying original qi to supplement kidney.
The gist of treatment mainly includes seven aspects: activating, adjusting, drawing out, cleansing, discharging, detoxicating, and draining.
If you need any help in treating Nephrotic Syndrome, you can send email to us, we will try our best to help you. Our email: kidneycuredt@gmail.com
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