
Which Kidney Failure Stages Can Be Reversed

Kidney Failure refers that a part or all of renal function has lost. Furthermore, chronic kidney failure is also divided into four stages. Different stages have different impaired degrees on kidney function. If you have any question please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR for free.
First, let’s see the four stages of Kidney Failure together.
In Stage 2, Renal failure in decompensation period. In clinical, patients who are in this stage will experience fatigue, poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and so on. In stage 3, renal failure. For patients with stage 3 kidney failure, it will have a severe drop on kidney function. With serious decline of kidney function, a series of symptoms such as high creatinine levels, proteinuria, swelling, hypertension, anemia, etc, will appear on patients; in stage 4, Uremia. It is the end stage chronic kidney failure. These symptoms which are mentioned above are more serious. Besides, many complications may be induced by uremia, like heart disease, nervous system problems and so on. All of them are life-threatening.
After knowing the different symptoms in different stages of kidney failure, we can see that there is a high possibility to reverse kidney failure in the early stage. That is to say, if patients are treated in the early stages, they will get a good recovery. On the contrary, opportunity of disease reversal will be reduced.
Then, I will tell you something about how to reverse stages of kidney failure.
Many natural therapies, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath and so on, are created by our hospital and have won a good reputation from renal disease patients.
If you have any question about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave message for us. Our professional experts will give you guidance as soon as possible.

