
Nephritis patients should not eat recipe

Do not eat nephritis patients prescriptions nephritis patients should not eat "recipe" sick disorder treatment, which is permanently a patient mood. "Remedies cure illness" is also a psychological sustenance of patients seeking treatment eager.

Nephritis patients should not eat recipe called remedies, there are three scenarios:

Nephritis patients should not eat a recipe, recipe indeed some previous experience of long-term accumulated through years of practice, grandparents passed down from generation to generation, and indeed some remedies to cure many diseases. But it's healing mechanism, the need to use modern medical knowledge and methods to study.

Nephritis patients should not eat two remedies, some prescriptions drugs primarily on the "disease", rather than a permanent solution, such as the treatment of nephritis edema in some prescriptions drugs such as euphorbia, Euphorbia and other method is by water through diarrhea and Jun achieve the purpose of swelling.

Nephritis patients should not eat three prescriptions, some prescriptions and drugs are touted as able to "cure all diseases," are in fact no action fake.

Nephritis patients should not eat recipe then why not just use the recipe on the grounds are the following:

Do not eat nephritis patients prescriptions (1) is not symptomatic. Some people eat a really effective remedies, but you do not necessarily valid. Because there are many types of nephritis, various types of lesions is different, not the same as the severity of illness, syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine is based on different evidence, using different therapies. It is used in medicine focus is not entirely consistent. If the patient can not use a lot of deficiency of yang and medicine. Therefore, if symptomatic remedies, not only ineffective, but the opposite effect.

Do not eat nephritis patients prescriptions (2) Some drugs have toxic. Many remedies have secrecy, some of which is still unknown ingredients, some of nephrotoxic drugs, if the temerity to use, not only can not cure the disease, but to make kidney disease worse, lead to kidney failure, uremia.

Do not eat nephritis patients prescriptions (3) has not been determined before nephritis type blindly eat remedies, even harmless drug, but also easy to bungle illness, loss of opportunity for early diagnosis and treatment.

Do not eat recipe nephritis patients in short, in healing process nephritis, do not own any medication, food recipe, so as not to aggravate kidney disease, for subsequent treatment with difficulties. But also delay the best treatment and disease control period. "Chronic illness into a good doctor," after all, only the patient has some experience of the disease, but the picture is still a lack of deep understanding of the disease. So the rational use of drugs under the guidance of a doctor, in order to achieve the purpose of early rehabilitation.

Also want to know if you have kidney disease knowledge, please visit our website, or our online doctor consultation for free, our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

