
Home Remedies Rescue kidney stones

Pain may last for several days, the stone discharge process can cause severe renal colic. The occurrence of the pain of kidney stones is the location. No obvious symptoms when there are fewer stones, only to be found in the x-ray film. Larger stones can occur on the same side back pain, renal colic, blood in urine, etc. Kidney stones occasionally get stuck in the ureter, urinary obstruction side. Kidney complications of acute pyelonephritis, leading to severe chronic renal failure. Relatively high recurrence rate of kidney stones, once you longer than a grain of stones, which inevitably second president tablets.
Lifestyle changes can prevent and reduce the incidence of growth and stones. There are several types of kidney stones, once your doctor to confirm your stone types, the following methods can help reduce the chance of recurrence.
● Drink plenty of water
No matter which category you belong stones, the most important preventive measure is to increase the water intake. Water can dilute the urine and prevent high concentrations of salts and minerals accumulate into a stone. Suitable water intake is to reach one day row 2 liters of urine, even if adequate. If you work all day in the hot sun, you need to drink two gallons of water.
● add cellulose
Plus rice bran food can prevent stones occur.
● Control of calcium intake
Stones in the pocket% by calcium or calcium product formation. If you're on a back of stones, the main ingredient is calcium, then you have to pay attention to calcium intake. If you are taking nutritional supplements crystal, you first need to consult a doctor if necessary. Second is to check daily calcium intake of food, including milk, cheese, butter and other dairy products. Milk and antacids may have kidney stones. Recommend taking calcium tablets the edge, you can add to the body's daily calcium needs, and has a good effect to prevent gallstones.

● Check your stomach
Some common antacids contain high amounts of calcium. If you suffer from calcium stones, but you also are taking antacids should check the drug ingredient statements to determine whether or not containing calcium. If it contains calcium, you should use other drugs.

If you have more questions about kidney disease, please visit our website, or our free online doctor consultation, our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

