
Infant kidney stones found how to do?

Birth time is not long, these stones are mainly sand-like stones, the formation of these stones in a relatively short time, Chinese medicine, acupuncture has a certain role. If the stone is large, not easily discharged, you can also consider Lithotripsy avoid stone surgery.
How to deal with children with kidney stones?
Kidney stones in children deal with the problem, we must first clear stone size, location, presence or absence of clinical symptoms, with or without hydronephrosis and so on. If only "green bucket" size, stones in the renal pelvis, is using extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, if the stones in the kidney calyx, but no clinical symptoms may temporarily not be processed, told to drink more water. If the stones cause hydronephrosis, it should be handled.
Urolithiasis in children, boys is 1.43 times the incidence of kidney stones girl, but each type of stones in gender distribution and non-discriminatory. Urinary stones can occur in each age group, but there are two peak age: infants and children prone to infection stones, calcium oxalate stones from 1O age increased significantly. In contrast with adults, children uric acid stones are rare. The overall incidence of urolithiasis began to increase from 8 years old.
Stones atypical symptoms in young children, adults rarely threatened the phenomenon as abdominal cramps, and diffuse abdominal pain or nausea, vomiting are relatively common, according to the chief complaint is often misdiagnosed as appendicitis. In addition to the main symptoms in older children as well as the typical colic abdominal pain in the kidney or ureteral stones often hematuria and pyuria, also have fever, urinary urgency, and turbidity. The lower urinary tract calculi in children have difficulty urinating, dysuria, urinary retention, urinary incontinence, blood, feces and recurrent urinary urgency and fever.
In particular, a number of factors into stone stone material, such as calcium and oxalic acid, as well as suppression of stone formation process parameters play a role. Such as cabinet furoate, magnesium and urinary mucin, urine pH and bacterial infections. When the urine into the stone above the material relative or absolute saturation, often the risk of stone formation. And adults differ, a common childhood infection or metabolic diseases, can cause stone formation. Like narrow pelvis or ureter junction of neurogenic bladder can cause abnormal urine solution cut transportation barriers, coupled with urinary retention, or other pathological mechanisms can cause stone formation. The article says that children have calcium may cause urinary tract stones.
Treatment of children with urolithiasis methods include surgery, PCNL, percutaneous nephrolithotomy surgery and ESWL. 1986 Newman ESWL first reported successful treatment of children with urinary tract stones. Jayanthi recommend ESWL treatment for uncomplicated diameter ≤1.5cm children kidney stones. But now tend MPCNL.
1. Drink row of stone soup, plus running and jumping jumping and other actions to promote stone row down. However, when the trail ureteral stenosis greater than stone paths, stone stuck atop.

2. ultrasonic lithotripsy in promoting row.
3. If not relieve severe pain, and even increase, or a large number of hematuria, generally poor, then emergency surgery, incision stone.

If you have more questions about kidney disease, please visit our website, or our free online doctor consultation, our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

