
Hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and easy to get

Like human kidney sewage treatment plant, is responsible for clearing the body of toxins and metabolic waste. People eat food, especially animal protein, will produce metabolic waste, if not promptly removed it will pile up endanger human. Once kidney problems, you may be suffering from some chronic kidney disease, and have transformed the risk of uremia.
There are six high-risk populations with chronic kidney disease
According to statistics, the incidence of kidney disease was 10% to 13%, there are about 100 million patients. Children, young adults, the elderly and so may be entangled with chronic kidney disease.
There are six types of chronic kidney disease in high-risk groups: diabetes, especially the long duration of disease, long-term control of blood glucose in poor; hypertensive patients, especially those in poor long-term control of blood pressure; patients with metabolic diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, high family history of kidney disease, such as immediate family members suffering from polycystic kidney disease who;; 65 years or older; long service nephrotoxic drugs populations such as patients with uric acid. In addition to high-risk groups, but if you live there too salty to eat, drink less, often holding back urine and other bad habits, it may induce chronic kidney disease.
Only 12.5% of the patients knew the sick
Nephropathy is a hidden "killer." According to low glomerular filtration rate, chronic kidney disease can be divided into one to five. Prior to the fourth, the patient may not feel entirely, and only when more than 75% of renal damage appear anemia, nausea, fatigue and other symptoms. Statistics show that at present only 12.5% of the patients suffering from chronic kidney disease know, the majority of patients missed the best time for treatment.
In fact, some of the early signals emitted by the body can help us be vigilant. 1. foamy urine increased; 2 urine redness or increased urine red blood cells; 3 increased frequency of nocturia, if more than three times a night to urinate, it is necessary to attract attention; 4 eyelid and lower limb edema frequently, it may be nephritis the early performance; 5 high blood pressure, high pressure over 140 mm Hg, low pressure over 90 mm Hg;.. 6 urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria may be early signs of chronic kidney disease.
If you find the above symptoms, we should go to regular hospital, through urine, urine protein (or albumin), serum creatinine and renal ultrasonography and other investigation.
Proper diet, the treatment effect was good

Nephropathy one, two mild symptoms, by improving living habits, avoid fatty food, drink, or drink beer, etc. can be mitigated. At this point, it is recommended in patients with body weight daily intake of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram. From the outset three low-protein diet treatment, intake of essential nutrients while avoiding heavier burden on the kidneys, the daily intake of 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight of protein.
Kidney patients also control sodium, phosphorus and potassium intake. First, the patient daily salt intake should not exceed 5 grams. Despite the low sodium low sodium content, but high potassium, kidney patients is not recommended for human consumption. Second, too much potassium can cause hyperkalemia. Potassium sources include spinach, bamboo shoots, cabbage, seaweed, potatoes, watermelons, oranges, bananas, grapes and nuts, beans, etc., should eat less.
Of course, prevention is better governance. To reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease, can learn four strokes: one regular inspection of urine, checking blood pressure and renal function; the second is do not mess with drugs; the third is to avoid bad habits, including excessive alcohol and tobacco, overeating, etc; four is the early onset of symptoms to a regular hospital for examination and treatment.

If you have a need to know more kidney-related problems, please visit our website, or free to consult our online customer service. Our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

