
IgA nephritis in the diet of attention

IgA nephritis patients in the diet should pay attention to? - Fruits [articles]
IgA nephritis What to eat fruit by the restrictions? IgA nephropathy should eat fresh fruit right amount. Let's look at the introduction below:
◆ watermelon, watermelon water content and more, is a good refreshing summer fruit, but the meat cold, physically weak elderly who eat prone abdominal pain or diarrhea; severe heart failure and edema patients should not eat.
◆ apples, apples contain a lot of carbohydrates and potassium, eating too much is not conducive to heart and kidney health; coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, kidney disease, diabetes should not eat.
◆ lychee, lychee continuous consumption of large quantities, make people pale, dizziness, palpitation, cold sweats, yawning, fatigue and other symptoms, which is caused due to exogenous lychee hypoglycemia caused by a medicine called "litchi disease. "
◆ persimmon, persimmon meat contains a lot of tannin, gum persimmon phenols, tannins and strong convergence, constipation, patients should not eat it.
◆ banana, banana cold, with more sodium, suffering from chronic nephritis, hypertension, edema, especially in patients who should be careful to eat; the large banana sugar, people with diabetes should eat.
◆ citrus, citrus cool, stomach, intestine, kidney, lung function Deficiency of the elderly can not eat, so as not to induce pain, waist and knees and other symptoms; also eat a lot of oranges easy to get angry, cause mouth sores, eye red swollen poison, induced hemorrhoids; oranges contain carotene above, overeating cause yellow pigment in the skin pigmentation.
More than six kinds of fruit are iga nephropathy patients can not eat fruit. Other fruits IgA nephritis patients can eat, but do not have much.
IgA nephritis patients in the diet should pay attention to? - Vegetable [articles]
Eat more fiber vegetables, such as cabbage, celery, etc. is very good. With IgA nephritis should eat a vegetarian diet, it is best not to eat meat or fish. Almost many IgA nephritis patients in their daily diet conditioning, we need to vegetable oil-based, as far as possible Eat less animal oils; edible meat with lean meat-based, high-quality low-protein supplement, eat fat. In a nutshell, kidney patients taboo to eat such "meat or fish." If you eat meat or fish because it will increase the burden on the kidneys iga nephropathy patients. This is because: meat or fish is "high-quality low-protein" diet contraindicated in patients with kidney disease, but also belong to the high-fat (lipids including cholesterol and triglycerides) eating and drinking, and here we simply saying the latter: high-fat diet will not only IgA nephropathy aggravated existing kidney damage, can lead to kidney damage human health.
IgA nephritis patients in the diet should pay attention to? - [Staple articles]

Staple food, it is best to wheat starch foods (hard working, unpalatable, it is difficult to stick to it), in fact, normal eating rice is also possible. First for IgA nephritis patients should eat a variety of foods rich in cholesterol, such as various animal organs, heart, liver, etc., and to eat more foods rich in fatty acids (such as vegetable oils and fish oil). IgA nephritis patients now offers staple recipes:

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