
You love to drink not far from a kidney failure

For men, beer is a very popular drink, especially in hot weather, late night or go out with friends, that they will have a few drinks. However, drinking too much beer great harm to the body. Especially people suffering from kidney disease, how to drink beer but also increase the kidney burden, and may lead to serious kidney failure.
Excessive drinking beer make you go renal failure
Beer contains alcohol, the alcohol in the metabolic process will increase the burden on the kidneys. Meanwhile beer hops have a diuretic effect, will increase the burden on the kidneys. While also hurt the liver, liver damage after toxic substances can not be, well further increase the burden on the kidneys. If you have suffered from kidney related ailments, and often a lot of beer, will lead to the deposition of uric acid renal tubular obstruction, resulting in kidney failure.
Methods of preventing the deterioration of renal failure
Once had renal failure, patients will bring great pain. Prevent deterioration are the following.
1. In life, the patient should be prevention of infection, especially for respiratory or urinary tract infection is the most common, to prevent infection to prevent disease progression of chronic renal failure have a positive effect.
2. Patients should try to prevent their blood pressure, height, blood pressure is to engage the most common symptoms of chronic renal failure, but continued high blood pressure may affect renal function. Antihypertensive therapy can improve renal function in varying degrees.

3. At the time consumption of drugs, patients should try to avoid harmful substances to the kidneys, and renal toxicity of drugs, such as amino sugar type antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
4. Patients should enhance their understanding of the disease, can be judged by some of the symptoms of their condition, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination and inadequate water intake and so on.
5. When the patient during kidney diet, should maintain a reasonable diet, so for the treatment of renal failure have a very important role.

If you have more questions about kidney disease, please visit our website or you can also free to consult our doctor. Our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

