
What are the common glomerular disease

1, acute nephritis: acute onset of varying severity. Its performance: Dan White urine, hematuria (mostly gross hematuria), edema (can be light weight), hypertension (more associated with edema), oliguria into transient azotemia, may be associated with fatigue, anorexia, bad habits heart, vomiting, back pain, abdominal pain. Seen in all age groups, but is common in children aged 6-10.
2, nephrotic syndrome: proteinuria ("3.5g / 24 hours), albumin (> 30 g / l), edema (associated with hypoproteinemia), cholesterol (" 6MMD / L) and so on.
3, IgA nephropathy: recurrent, sustained eye and microscopic hematuria may be associated with varying degrees of proteinuria and occult blood or respiratory tract infection, or the performance of asymptomatic urinary abnormalities, or manifestations of chronic nephritis or nephrotic syndrome, common low back pain (unilateral or bilateral) and other symptoms. More common in young adults.
4, chronic nephritis: latent onset, progress is slow, can be light weight or when light weight, urine abnormalities, or edema, anemia, hypertension, azotemia, etc., often upper respiratory tract infection, induce or aggravate, or with nephrotic syndrome, or acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis, or similar acute nephritis.
5, lupus nephritis: a systematic red shift from secondary to bone sore need of small damage, is common in young women, mostly in patients with first Yang systemic lupus erythema symptoms (such as fever \ skin lesions, multiple joint pain after), kidney disease appear clinically, there are only appeared after the emergence of renal disease manifestations of systemic involvement. Its performance has light asymptomatic kidney nephritis (only abnormal urinalysis), nephrotic syndrome, common chronic nephritis, nephritis into contention.
6, nephritis: is allergic purpura secondary to renal disease, common in children (male to female ratio of about 5: 1), most of the first symptoms of allergic purpura, followed by kidney disease, kidney disease characterized by an integrated Health fire or chronic renal syndrome.
7, hepatitis B associated glomerulonephritis: Hepatitis B is caused by glomerular damage, usually asymptomatic hematuria urine and Dan White, a comprehensive acute nephritis, nephrotic syndrome or renal insufficiency.
8, diabetic nephritis: secondary to renal damage from diabetes, microalbuminuria first is the progressive development of proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome (mostly diabetic retinopathy) until renal failure (uremia).

If you have more questions about kidney disease, please visit our website, or free to consult our online doctor. Our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

