
Poorly controlled hypertension, uremia will find you

In recent years, multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease, as well as the heart, brain, kidney target organ protection deepening understanding, a lot of people know that high blood pressure can lead to coronary heart disease and stroke. But its relations with kidney disease but do not know. In fact, high blood pressure and kidney disease are often concomitant. Uremia is almost exclusively renal fibrosis, leading to loss of kidney function results. Studies have shown that there is data, hypertension-induced renal failure patients with accelerated growth. So, if blood pressure control is not good, it may cause uremia.
How to become uremic hypertension
The severity of the incidence of hypertension and hypertensive renal damage and duration were positively correlated. Other possible factors include smoking, alcoholism, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hyperuricemia, these factors influence each other, further aggravate kidney damage. Hypertension can cause long-term lack of effective control systemic arteriosclerosis, causing damage to multiple targets the heart, brain, kidneys, eyes and other organs. It is worth noting that high blood pressure on the heart, brain damage we are more familiar with, such as myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction, and its impact on the kidneys is hidden, often unnoticed, is a gradual process, once clinical symptoms such as proteinuria, hematuria, edema, and often irreversible, severe cases can develop kidney failure, can only rely on dialysis or kidney transplant to sustain life, family and society a heavy financial burden.
Hypertension and kidney disease can be described as "inseparable", hypertension can lead to kidney damage itself. Composed mainly by the kidney glomeruli, glomerular capillary network is actually a group, if the long-term high blood pressure can cause damage to the capillary walls and harden, causing renal ischemia, leading to kidney dysfunction, this progressive development, will cause all of glomerulosclerosis and eventually renal insufficiency. When entering uremia, patients need dialysis or a kidney transplant for treatment.
How to prevent uremia patients with hypertension
Damage prevention and treatment of kidney disease is first necessary to strictly control blood pressure. Also, kidney disease itself can also cause high blood pressure, high incidence of chronic kidney disease patients with hypertension, high blood pressure caused by kidney disease is renal hypertension. According to statistics, renal hypertension accounted for 5-10% of the total number of high blood pressure is the leading cause of secondary hypertension. Visible, high blood pressure and kidney disease are mutually reinforcing relationship, any one control is not good, will cause a vicious cycle.
Hypertensive patients should regularly check out the urine or kidney function, early detection of renal hypertension-induced change. Especially the initial discovery of hypertension, must do a comprehensive inspection clear whether the kidney disease, renal hypertension when suspected to be urine, blood, kidney function, blood lipids, blood coagulation parameters were measured and the kidneys, renal artery ultrasonography, if necessary but also for CT or magnetic resonance angiography and angiography for early diagnosis and early treatment.
What are the early symptoms of uremia
Early uremia not without any clues to be found, kidney patients should pay attention to a few obvious signs of uremia, in time to the hospital for blood tests of kidney function indicators, we can confirm the diagnosis:
1. mild fatigue, inability to concentrate;
2. gastrointestinal discomfort, gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea, vomiting;
3. nocturia, polyuria, urine clear (color fades);
4. anemia, his face pale or yellowish brown;
5. systemic bone pain or back pain;

6. menstrual irregularities;
7. cramps;
8. eyelid or lower extremity edema.

If you have more questions about kidney disease, please visit our website or you can also free to consult our doctor. Our website is: www.kidney-cure.org

