
What Are the Signs When Kidney Starts Giving Up

A good knowledge about signs of kidney disease contributes to treating and managing illness progression for Chronic Kidney Disease or even Kidney Failure patients. Well then, what are the signs when kidney starts giving up or shut down?

It is well known that kidneys are important organs which are endowed with numerous functions. They can produce urine, filter waste products from the blood. They are also involved in regulating balance, and red blood cell production in the body. In addition, they also can active vitamin D3 and maintain electrolyte and acid-base balance. When there is something wrong within your kidneys or your kidney is damaged by some factors, kidneys will lose more or less function. As a result, you also will suffer from corresponding symptoms which can remind you to concern your kidney health. Any help, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

Какие привычки надо иметь пациентам с ХПН (хроническая почечная недостаточность)?

Как предотвратить ХПН (хроническая почечная недостаточность) от гипертонической нефропатии ?

Как лечить поликистоз почек Микро-китайской медициной Осмотерапией?

Какую диету надо соблюдать пациентам с поликистозом почек?

Можно ли пить кофе при ХБП (хроническая болезнь почек)?

На какой стадии ХБП (хроническая болезнь почек) креатинин в крови 2,3 мг/дл?

Можно ли есть пиццу при ХБП (хроническая болезнь почек) 3 ст?

1. Proteinuria

In the normal conditions, most protein are too big to pass through the kidneys’ filters into urine unless the kidneys are damaged. For patients with kidney damage, the impaired glomeruli will allow protein pass, forming proteinuria.

2. Swelling

Kidneys are responsible for removing extra water from blood. Swelling or edema can be caused by excess fluid trapped in your body’s tissues. In addition, it is also related to protein in urine.

3. Diabetes or Hypertension

Actually, if you have long-standing and uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure, you should pay highly attention to your kidney healthy. And they are prone to suffer suffer from kidney damage.

4. High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level generally occurs unless a half of renal function has been damaged. Because our kidneys have strong compensatory ability. Therefore, once you find you have increased creatinine level in blood test, you should make further tests.

Other symptoms like itching, anemia, fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, high BUN level and so can occur along with progression of illness conditions. Therefore, you should keep alert when you have these conditions.


Without Kidney Transplant for Kidney Failure Patients

A person with Kidney Failure has end stage renal disease (ESRD) with very severe decline of GFR 15 or less. At this advanced stage of kidney disease, the kidneys have lost nearly all their ability to do their job effectively, eventually Dialysis or a Kidney Transplant is needed to maintain the rest life. Here, follow me to find out new treatments without kidney transplantation.

In Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Center point, we do recommend natural therapies to patients. These therapies develop from Traditional Chinese Medicine which have been widely used and became more and more popular among patients. Actually, for most kidney failure patients, only they have urine output, there is a great chance to avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. Because urine is hope for the reverse of the end-stage kidney disease. That means there still room for the GFR to be raised, and your kidney function still get the chance to be recovered for a level. To know whether you can use the following treatments or not, please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and you will get suggestions from our kidney experts.

Blood Purification

It includes immune adsorption, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, CRRT, and so on. According to the causes of kidney diseases, doctors will select the corresponding methods to cleanse patients’ blood and remove waste products, toxins and immune complexes from the body. When blood is cleansed, enough nutrients and oxygen can be provided for inherent kidney cells. Also, this can provide a clean environment for the following treatments.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The therapy is one treatment that can expand blood vessels, fight inflammation and coagulation and dissolve extracellular matrix. When these effects are achieved, impaired kidney cells can recover to work gradually. Accordingly, glomerular filtration rate increases to some extent. Then, patients can avoid second kidney failure successfully. Although you feel it is simple, actually it is a more systemic treatments. Because there are many formulas. After getting the diagnosis, the doctor will design the individualized formula to the patient. As long as kidney function get improvement, kidney transplant also can be avoided naturally.


Stopping Dialysis Begins from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Stopping dialysis treatment can be the great wish for every Kidney Failure patients. We do not deny Dialysis can help relieve symptoms and improve life expectancy to some extent, while it also brings new health problems and discounts the quality of life. Now, stopping dialysis begins from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

Our hospital, shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is one largest kidney disease specialized hospital in China. With more than 30 years of development and progression, our kidney experts have researched and created latest kidney disease treatments from Traditional Chinese Medicine and advanced western medical technology. Clinical practice have been proved that our treatments are effective, natural and safe. And there are many successful cases that Kidney Failure patients get rid of Dialysis. If you want to stop dialysis and improve life quality, send your test reports to ckdstage@hotmail.com for an individualized treatment plan.

Now, let’s see the characterized treatments in our hospital.

In our Treatment center point, most treatments are based on Chinese herbal medicine. More systemic and effective treatment include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Immunotherapy, and so on. The reason why they can help stop dialysis is because they are aimed at saving kidneys with a series of special functions such as extending blood vessels, improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis and immune complexes out of body, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, offering kidneys nutrients and promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells.

The specific curative effects after our treatments:

Firstly, our patients can feel some effect after 7 to 10 days' comprehensive treatment. some serious symptoms and complications such as Fatigue, Swelling and hypertension can be relieved.

After 20 days' special and professional treatment, patients can feel the good effect and their kidney function can get a great improvement. Also, creatinine can be reduced and almost normal.

The rest of 10 days is used to consolidate the effect and avoid disease relapse (appear) again. And You can not trouble back at home. Also, at the same time, creatinine can be normal and kidney function can work normally.


Is Coffee Good for Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

Coffee is a very popular beverage among people due to its unique tastes and benefits. For healthy people, it can stimulate the brain cortex, eliminate drowsiness, strengthen senses of touch and contemplative faculties, wile for hypertension kidney disease patients, is it still good for them?

The over view of hypertensive kidney disease

Hypertensive Nephropathy is caused by a long time and uncontrolled high blood pressure. And high blood pressure will damage your kidneys if left untreated or mot well control. Therefore, the root of this kind of kidney disease is hypertension (high blood pressure) and what you should do is to manage or treat your high blood pressure. Only in this way, can you stop or delay the progression of the illness condition. Well then, whether they can drink coffee or not?

To be frank, in most condition, coffee is not good option for hypertension kidney disease. The specific reasons are as following:

Drinking coffee can aggravates your high blood pressure.

As the mentioned above, you should control your blood pressure within a normal range. In vies of this pont, you are not suggested to drink coffee. The main component of coffee is caffeine and most coffee contain 3% to 4% caffeine besides fat, protein and som on, which are bad for your kidneys and blood pressure.

Drinking coffee can cause low calcium

Long-term intake of coffee can cause the disorders of electrolyte, such as high potassium and phosphorus and low calcium. in this case, you should keep away from coffee. What’s more, it can lead to bone problems, such as bone pain, bone fracture and osteoporosis. Therefore, you should avoid drinking this drinks with hypertension renal disease.

Other reasons which are bad for patients with hypertension nephropathy.

Coffee can lower the secretion of insulin, increase insulin excretion and reduce glucose tolerance and increase blood sugar level.

However, drinking coffee properly is helpful for improving edema effectively by increasing urine. In this case, patients can drink coffee in a right amount. If you do not know how much you should drink, you can consult our online doctors.

Through the above analysis, we can find that Whether Hypertensive Nephropathy patients can drink coffee mainly depends on their illness condition. More details, you also can email us to kidneycured@gmail.com.


What Could be the Treatment for Kidney Disease with Creatinine 6.9

What could be the treatment for kidney disease with creatinine 6.9 ? In the past, for kidney disease patient with creatinine 6.9 doctor will recommend dialysis to them so that they can live better and longer. But you know long-terms of dialysis will bring some other side-effect so that will reduce the patient’s live quality instead of increase.

Is there any other treatments can help kidney disease patient with creatinine 6.9 ?

To be actually, as the technology developed, many treatments based on traditional Chinese Herb Medicine have been invented to treat kidney disease. With the help of those treatments, kidney disease patient can get their kidney function improved, thus to live a quality life without dialysis.

What treatments is helpful for treating kidney disease with creatinine 6.9 ?

In our days, there are many treatments for kidney disease, but the most famous treatment for kidney disease should be Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, with the help of this treatment the patient who are in the early stage of kidney disease they may get a chance live like a normal person, for patient who are in the advanced stage of kidney disease they also can get a chance to live better without dialysis.

You know, for patient with creatinine 6.9 they are now in the advanced stage of kidney disease so they should take this treatment timely to prevent their disease goes worse, thus to get a chance to live a quality life without dialysis.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy ?

It is a brand-new therapy which is based on traditional Chinese herbal medicines. It perfectly combines the essences of herbal medicines and modern medical equipments and technology together to improve the medicine efficacy remarkably. It is an external therapy, in which the shattered medicines can be penetrated into kidney lesions directly and efficiently

If you want to know more details about this treatment or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to us or leave message below, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com


Why the Kidney Disease will Come to the Stage of Uremia?

Uremia is the Chinese saying of all kidney diseases in final stage.

In this article, I will introduce some reasons of the uremia, but the listed reasons in this article are far from enough. So if you or your surrounding people have these symptoms, you need pay attention to these.

1 Fifteen percent of the hypertension are able to turn into uremia directly. According to the statistics in 1998, the population of hypertension patients covers 10 percent of the total population, that is to say, among ten persons there will be 1 hypertension patient and 1.5 person is able to be the uremia patient.

2 Thirty percent of the diabetes are able to turn into uremia directly. A recent statistics show that, the population of diabetic in China is 4.32 million, the population of people with a impaired glucose tolerance is 5.064 million and the total population of these two group is 9.384 million. That is to say, only because of the diabetes, there is about 1.3 million uremia patients and more than1.5 million uremia high-risk group.

3 Kidney disease is the main reason of uremia, so the final result of all chronic kidney disease is uremia. But among these reasons, chronic nephritis is the primary reason, which covers a high percent of 55.7%.

4 Caused by urinary system infection or urinary tract infection

According to the statistics, the percent of morbidity of urinary tract infection for male is 0.23 and female is 2.37. Any age group is able to be attacked by these infections, especially for the woman in childbearing age, which covers a high rate. In our country, the second factor which is easy to cause the uremia is chronic nephropyelitis, which covers a high percent of 21.2

5 Caused by different degrees of medicines side-effect. A research shows that, about 25 percent of the kidney failure are caused by medicines renal toxicity.

6 Age-related

In China, the population of aged people covers 10% of the total population. In 2025, the population of aged people above 60 years old, will reaches to 19.3% of the total population. In the general check, the result shows that 17.3% of the aged people have different kinds of kidney diseases and among the hospitalized patients, the patients with urinary system diseases cover a percent of 3.4-6.3.

When people get old, the kidney structure and kidney function will have an obvious degenerative change. In the normal health condition, the kidney has a powerful compensation, when the kidney function is only 50%, it can also sustain the normal life activity, such as the normal can live healthily with only one kidney.

Besides, with the age, our body’s function of reserve will decline even lost , so on the condition of no extra burden on kidney, which is able to satisfy the normal body activity, but it is not possible for the kidney to deal with the sudden injury and diseases. So when the aged people have any unexpected situation, which will be easy to cause the further damage of kidney function and then develop to the stage of uremia. There are many inducements for patients in older uremia, such as infection, cold, hemorrhage, hydropenia and nephrotoxic drugs.

7 The rate of uremia caused by HIV infection is creasing and this reason covers 1% of all the inducements of uremia.

Any more questions leave a message below or consult with our online doctors or email to kidneycured@gmail.com.


Diet Principle for Diabetic Nephropathy

As everyone knows, the diet treatment for diabetic nephropathy is an important issue in the diabetic nephropathy treatment. So for the patients with diabetic nephropathy, what they should do for their daily diet?

1 For the diabetic nephropathy patients with intermittent or persistent proteinuria, if they have the hypoproteinemia but no obvious azotemia, their diet should contain moderate protein intake and avoid the protein with low quality.

2 For the patients with edema or hypertension, their diet principle should be: low salt or no salt and low sodium, because the high salt and high sodium will aggravate the edema and increase the blood pressure.

3 For the diabetic nephropathy patients, if they have the hypertension and hyperlipemia, they should limit the number of fat intake, limit the number of cholesterol intake and choose the unsaturated fattyacid in their diet.

4 For the diabetic nephropathy patients, they can add some carbohydrate to their diet but the calorie should be controlled below 70%.

5 For the diabetic nephropathy patients, if they have the symptoms of kidney failure, they should limit the number of phosphorus intake.

6 For the diabetic nephropathy patients, if they have the symptom of anemia, enough foods with rich iron and vitamin C should be supplied in their diet. And if the symptom of anemia becomes serious, it is necessary to take medicine or receive the blood transfusion.

Могут ли пить овсяное молоко пациенты с ХБП (хроническая болезнь почек)?

Once the diabetic nephropathy patients have the symptom of kidney insufficiency, they should take immediate proper treatment and avoid to come to the stage of dialysis or kidney transplant.

Hope all the patients with diabetic nephropathy can get a good recovery as soon as possible.

If you have any more questions, leave a message on our website or communicate with our online service.

Diet for the Patients with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis

For all the diseases, the patients should pay attention to the diet, so what attention should be paid for the patients with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis? Here our hospital experts have list some suggestions about this disease.

For the patients with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis, some foods are not allowed for them.

I Avoid touching and using the things which may cause irritability, such as, some food, medicine, pollen, paint and so on. Such food as: milk, crab, shrimp, egg, mutton and so on; such medicines as: sulfonamides, penicillin preparation, antipyretic analgesics, rimifon, insulin.

II Taking different medicines based on different types of purpuric nephritis. Such as, the patients with heat toxic in the blood and deficiency of yin should choose partial cold food, such as fresh lotus root, water chestnuts, shepherd's purse, pear, carambola, lotus seeds, fungus, lotus leaf, etc.

III The patients with purpuric nephritis should take the diet with light taste, rich nutrition and easy to digest, avoid the improper diet. Such as, avoid the diet with rich fat and do not eat too much for per meal, because which may add burden to the stomach and intestine and then cause the intestinal tract bleeding.

IV The foods should be precision-machined and avoid the low-diet, such as, celery, rape, leek, bamboo, pineapple etc, which may abrase the gastrointestinal mucosa and induce or aggravate the intestinal tract bleeding. Besides, the undercooked beef, mutton, pork, cigarette, alcohol, and spicy food should also be avoided.

A good diet schedule will also have a big effect in the course of disease recovery, so more attention to your diet and more health in your life.

If you have any questions, leave a message on our website or communicate with our online service.


Is It possible to Cure Kidney Disease with Creatinine 2.7

Is it possible to cure kidney disease with creatinine 2.7 ? As we all know kidney disease is hard to be cured, but for patient with creatinine level 2.7, they can get a chance to control their disease well, thus to live a quality life without dialysis.
Creatinine level 2.7 means what for kidney disease patient ?
For patient with creatinine 2.7 they are now is in stage 3 kidney disease, which is a vital stage. In this stage, the kidneys are damaged moderately. So as long as the patients can find some ways to repair the damaged kidneys and protect them from further damage, then they will get a chance to control their disease well.
How to treat kidney disease with creatinne 2.7 ?
As we all know a good treatment plays the key point in treating kidney disease, so you should choose the treatment carefully.
You know, the western medicine can relieve those symptoms in a short time but it has nothing to do with improving the kidney function. As for the Chinese Medicine it so can improve the kidney function but need take a longer time. So when it comes to the treatment, a treatment which can combine the two kinds of treatment together will be the best choice.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the perfect combination of traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, with the help of this treatment, the damaged kidneys can be repaired and protected from further damage. So the kidney disease patients can get a chance to improve their kidney function gradually, and the high creatinine level and other symptoms also will disappear with it.
If you want to know more details about the treatment or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.
Our email: kidneycured@gmail.com


Is It Possible for Dialysis Patient to Quit from It

Is it possible for dialysis patient to quit from it ? In fact, most of the dialysis patient will face the similar question like this. And for them, i should say it is hard to get rid of dialysis, after all, patients need it to prolong their life span. But that is not means they have no chance to get rid of it. With properly and timely treatment, dialysis patients can get a chance get rid of dialysis.

You know, dialysis as a placement of kidneys, it can do parts of kidney’s work thus to help kidney disease patient live better in a period, but it will bring many side-effects and complications after that. More than that, dialysis can not repair the damaged kidneys nor protect the residual ones from further damage, so the kidney function will goes worse. So as a kidney disease patient it is wise for you to choose get rid of it.

Is it possible for kidney disease patient to quit from dialysis ?

Actually, as long as the patient’s kidney function have not lost totally they will have a chance to get rid of it. So that is to say the patient should take the alternative therapies timely.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it is one of the best alternative therapies of dialysis. With the help of it, dialysis patient can get rid of it gradually. But here i need to remind you that, you should never stop dialysis suddenly, otherwise, your life will be in great risk.

If you want to get rid of dialysis or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com


How to Avoid Dialysis by Chinese Herbal Medicine

How to avoid dialysis by Chinese herbal medicine ? You know, dialysis as one of the common treatment of kidney failure, it also will bring some side-effects, so most of the patients are reluctant to take it. But in the past they have no other choices, dialysis and renal transplant are the only ways to cure kidney failure. Fortunately, in our days a series of treatment based on Chinese herbal medicines are invented, they can be the good alternative therapies of dialysis.
How to avoid dialysis by Chinese Herbal Medicine ?
Those Chinese treatments can help kidney failure patients avoid dialysis by improving their kidney function. You know after the kidneys damaged, the kidney function will goes down, so they can not work efficiently. With the help of the alternative treatment, the damaged kidneys can be repaired and the kidney function can be improved.
What Chinese herbal medicine is helpful for improving the kidney function ?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the most famous Chinese Medicine it can improve the kidney function by anti-inflammation, anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulation and enlarge blood vessels. With the help of this therapy, most of the patient with mild or moderate damaged kidneys can get a chance live a quality life without dialysis.
However, the curative effect may be different from one patient to another due to their different disease condition. So if you want to know whether you can get a good prognosis, you can send your detailed disease condition to us by email, after analyzed, we will reply you as soon as possible.
If you want to avoid dialysis or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.
Our email: kidneycured@gmail.com


Why So Many Symptoms Occurs in Kidney Failure

Why so many symptoms occurs in kidney failure ? You know kidneys are helpful for filtering waste products from the blood. They are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production in the body. So once kidneys are damaged, many symptoms will occurred one by one.

What symptoms can kidney failure induce ?

Symptoms of kidney failure are due to the build-up of waste products in the body that may cause weakness, shortness of breath, lethargy, and confusion. Inability to remove potassium from the bloodstream may lead toabnormal heart rhythms and sudden death. Initially kidney failure may cause no symptoms.

How to treat kidney failure ?

There are numerous causes of kidney failure, and treatment of the underlying disease may be the first step in correcting the kidney abnormality.

Some causes of kidney failure are treatable and the kidney function may return to normal. Unfortunately, kidney failure may be progressive in other situations and may be irreversible.

Treatment of the underlying cause of kidney failure may return kidney function to normal. Lifelong efforts to control blood pressure and diabetes may be the best way to prevent chronic kidney disease and its progression to kidney failure. As we age kidney function gradually decreases over time.

If the kidneys fail completely, the only treatment options available may be dialysis or transplant. So as a kidney disease patient you should take proper treatment timely.

Chinese Herb Medicine now are used widely in treating kidney disease, compared with Western Medicine, it is more natural-it can cure kidney disease without make further damage to the kidneys and other organs.

If you want to know more details about Chinese Herb Medicine or need any help in treating kidney failure, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com


How Long Can A Person Survive With 20% Kidney Function If Not On Dialysis

The most concerned question kidney failure patients worry about is how long they can live. Today, a patient consulted us that how long a person can live with 20% kidney function if not on dialysis. We will talk about this topic here.

How long can a person survive with 20% kidney function?

This question is hard to answer since many factors can affect the lifespan such as complications, lifestyle and the therapeutic effect of treatment you take.

Dialysis can help damaged kidneys to discharge wastes, electrolyte and extra water from the body. Without dialysis, the high level of toxins can not be alleviated. You will suffer from some complications, which may be life-threatening. If kidney function continue to decline and there is no urine, you will die in the near future.

However, is there a possibility to survive longer with 20% kidney function without dialysis? Yes, there is. But only when kidney function is improved can dialysis be avoided. How to improve kidney function? Thus, you have to try alternative remedies.

How to improve kidney function?

The alternative remedy for kidney failure is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and blood purification. Blood Purification aims at eliminate metabolic wastes from the blood so as to reduce the burden on kidneys and alleviate other issues. Then, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to activate the self-healing system in kidneys and provide essential nutrients for damaged kidneys. With the help of osmosis device, the active ingredients can come to kidney lesion directly and have the functions of dilating blood vessels, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix. Thereby, this systematic therapy can bring an improvement of kidney function.

If your kidney function is improved, you will live longer without dialysis. Any question, leave us a message below or send email to kidneycured@mail.ru


Will Chinese Medicine Induce Side Effects in Treating Kidney Disease

Will Chinese Medicine induce side effects in treating kidney disease ? Chinese Medicine as one of the most natural treatment, it has little side-effect. However, if people operate it in a wrong way that also will bring some side-effect.

What are the side effects of Chinese Medicine in treating kidney disease ?

If people apply Chinese Medicine in a wrong way

It may induce allergic reaction

Make damage to the kidneys and other organs

It will hurt the kidneys rather than repair them

It may aggravate the symptoms of kidney disease

It also may decrease the curative effect of other treatment

From the above we can know that Chinese Medicine also will bring side-effect if people can not apply it in a right way. So as a kidney disease patient, if you want to take this kind of treatment, you should go to normal hospital and take the systematic treatment, thus to reduce the side-effect of it.

What Chinese treatment is best for Nephrotic Syndrome ?

Actually, all the Chinese Medicines have their own features in treating kidney disease, so we can not say which one is the best. When you choose the treatment, you need to choose it according to your own condition. Of course, the doctors will recommend you different treatments to achieve better curative effect. The most well-known therapy is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpay, with the help of this treatment, patient with kidney disease can live a quality life.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a simple herb, but a medical procedure in which different Chinese herbs are used externally to improve kidney condition. Compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy works more effectively and quickly. More importantly, it causes no discomforts and during the whole treatment process.

If you want to know more details about Chinese Medicine or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email or leave message to us, we are here waiting to help you.

Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com


How to Prevent Kidney Disease from Getting Worse

How to prevent kidney disease from getting worse ? You know kidney disease is a chronic disease, as it developed, many symptoms will appear one by one, and the disease will become more complex. Then, how to prevent this disease from getting worse comes into reality.

How to prevent kidney disease from getting worse ?

To be frankly, for patient who are bothered by high creatinine level and bother complications, they meed to take systematic treatment as soon as possible, not only the medicines for the symptoms. We need to treat the disease from the root, that is to say we need to repair the damaged kidney cells and improve the kidney function. Then these complications will disappear soon.

What treatment is helpful for improving kidney function ?

In fact, there are many treatments are helpful in treating kidney disease, and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective treatment, it can improve the kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protecting the remaining kidney tissues from further damage.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a brand-new therapy which is based on traditional Chinese herbal medicines dating back thousands of years ago. It perfectly combines the essences of herbal medicines and modern medical equipments and technology together to improve the medicine efficacy remarkably. It is an external therapy, in which the shattered medicines can be penetrated into kidney lesions directly and efficiently.

We need to clean the toxins in her body first to make a good environment for repairing the damaged kidney cells. We need to clean the micromolecule toxin, the middle molecule toxin and the macromolecule toxin together. Here we use the Micro Chinese medicine

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to prevent kidney disease from getting worse, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com


How to Treat Kidney Disease Effectively

Q: Sir its my mother, age-60yrs, she is a kidney disease patient with creatinine 4.3 and urea level 140. And she has diabetes and hypertention since last 4yrs. She is taking amlodophine5mg old and 8 unit of insuline thrice a day. I want to know how to treat her disease effectively ?

A: In fact, kidney disease is a chronic pathological change process. For your mother's case, her serum creatinine level 4.3 and urea level 140 reflects there are high toxins depositing in her internal body and more than 70% of her nephrons have been damaged. Besides, her present kidneys 7.5 &7cm also shows shrinkage which proves a chronic damage. Don't worry a lot, on the whole, her present kidney damage degree is still in the reversible stage, timely treatment is strongly suggested.

How to treat kidney disease effectively ?

In my experience, renal disease develops more often in people who have history disease such as diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, infections, all of those will speed up the progression of this disease. Especially, the first two.

Diabetes and hypertension will cause large amount of glycosylated substance and lipid toxic things deposited in the kidneys. It will cause inflammation in the kidneys and gradually damage the kidney function. So if we want to treat kidney disease, we should put those symptoms and complications under control. Based on this point, the kidney disease patient should find a proper treatment and take it timely, you know the treatment is the key point to treat kidney disease.

What treatment can treat kidney disease effectively ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it can treat kidney disease effectively with no much side-effect, that is to say it can treat kidney disease without make further damage to the kidneys.

If you want to know more information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com


Can Kidney Failure Patient Stop Dialysis Suddenly

Can kidney failure patient stop dialysis suddenly ? To be honest, kidney failure patients are not recommended to stop dialysis suddenly, otherwise, the patient may suffer more pain. However, they can stop dialysis gradually with the help of other alternative therapies.

You know, dialysis is one of the most common therapies of kidney failure, it can bring some side-effect when it relieve those symptoms of kidney disease. So some patients who can not stand for it want to stop it rapidly. However, if the patient stop it suddenly, it may bring more damage to the kidneys.

If people stop dialysis suddenly what will happen ?

Dialysis can relieve the symptoms of kidney disease by doing parts of the kidneys work, thus to help kidney disease patient live better. If people stop it suddenly those symptoms will become more and more serious, which may threat the patient’s life. What’s worse, those accumulated toxins in the body will make further damage to the kidneys and the disease will goes worse in a rapid speed.

How to stop dialysis ?

As we mentioned at the beginning, kidney failure patient should stop it gradually with the help of other alternative therapies.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of Chinese Medicine, it can help patient get rid of dialysis by improving the kidney function. It is a brand-new therapy which is based on traditional Chinese herbal medicines dating back thousands of years ago. It perfectly combines the essences of herbal medicines and modern medical equipment and technology together to improve the medicine efficacy remarkably. It is an external therapy, in which the shattered medicines can be penetrated into kidney lesions directly and efficiently.

If you want to know more details about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to stop dialysis, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on Our WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you. Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com


Creatinine 8.0 in Kidney Disease Means What and How to Reduce It

Creatinine 8.0 in kidney disease means what and how to reduce it ? In fact, after serum creatinine up to 8.0 that means the disease now has fell into the End Stage Renal Disease, which is known as Uremia. In this stage, the patients kidneys have been damaged seriously and there are just remaining less than 10% kidney functions can work normally. So some treatments, such as dialysis, are in demand to help the kidneys work well.

Is there any ways to reduce the high creatinine level ?

As we mentioned above, dialysis is one of the ways to reduce the high creatinine level. By doing parts of kidneys job, it can reduce the creatinine level in a short while. But once patient stop taking this treatment, the creatinine level will back to high level again.

Here i recommend you another Chinese Medicine, which is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it can reduce the high creatinine level by improving the kidney function. Due to its little side-effect and remarkable curative effect, it is suitable for almost all the patient, even though there are also some forbidden to use it. If you want to know more details about this treatment, you can send email to us, we will reply you as soon as possible.

If you still have other questions or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to us or leave message below, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneycured@gmail.com

Is there any Ways to Avoid Dialysis and Recover Kidney Function

Is there any ways to avoid dialysis and recover kidney function ? Dialysis can help kidney failure patient live better by doing part of kidneys work, but long-terms of dialysis will bring many side-effects. So people are seeking for some alternative ways to treat kidney disease.

Is there any ways to avoid dialysis ?

In the past, renal transplant is the only way to help kidney disease patient get rid of dialysis and it is still one of the most effective ways to cure kidney disease in our days. But it will cost large amount of money, so not all the patient can stand for this treatment.

Another effective way of treating kidney disease is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is a kind of Chinese Medicine based on traditional Chinese herb medicine. Compared with kidney transplant, it is more natural. What’s more, it can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the remaining ones from further damage. So for people who are in the early stage of this disease, this therapy is the best choice for them.

Is there any ways to recover kidney function ?

As we mentioned above, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the remaining ones from further damage, in such a way, it can improve the kidney functions to some degree. For people with mild kidney damage, they may have a chance recover the kidney function with the help of this therapy and a fit diet.

If you still need any help in treating kidney disease, you can leave message below, we will try our best to help you.