
Is It Possible for Dialysis Patient to Quit from It

Is it possible for dialysis patient to quit from it ? In fact, most of the dialysis patient will face the similar question like this. And for them, i should say it is hard to get rid of dialysis, after all, patients need it to prolong their life span. But that is not means they have no chance to get rid of it. With properly and timely treatment, dialysis patients can get a chance get rid of dialysis.

You know, dialysis as a placement of kidneys, it can do parts of kidney’s work thus to help kidney disease patient live better in a period, but it will bring many side-effects and complications after that. More than that, dialysis can not repair the damaged kidneys nor protect the residual ones from further damage, so the kidney function will goes worse. So as a kidney disease patient it is wise for you to choose get rid of it.

Is it possible for kidney disease patient to quit from dialysis ?

Actually, as long as the patient’s kidney function have not lost totally they will have a chance to get rid of it. So that is to say the patient should take the alternative therapies timely.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it is one of the best alternative therapies of dialysis. With the help of it, dialysis patient can get rid of it gradually. But here i need to remind you that, you should never stop dialysis suddenly, otherwise, your life will be in great risk.

If you want to get rid of dialysis or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com

