
How to Treat Kidney Disease Effectively

Q: Sir its my mother, age-60yrs, she is a kidney disease patient with creatinine 4.3 and urea level 140. And she has diabetes and hypertention since last 4yrs. She is taking amlodophine5mg old and 8 unit of insuline thrice a day. I want to know how to treat her disease effectively ?

A: In fact, kidney disease is a chronic pathological change process. For your mother's case, her serum creatinine level 4.3 and urea level 140 reflects there are high toxins depositing in her internal body and more than 70% of her nephrons have been damaged. Besides, her present kidneys 7.5 &7cm also shows shrinkage which proves a chronic damage. Don't worry a lot, on the whole, her present kidney damage degree is still in the reversible stage, timely treatment is strongly suggested.

How to treat kidney disease effectively ?

In my experience, renal disease develops more often in people who have history disease such as diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, infections, all of those will speed up the progression of this disease. Especially, the first two.

Diabetes and hypertension will cause large amount of glycosylated substance and lipid toxic things deposited in the kidneys. It will cause inflammation in the kidneys and gradually damage the kidney function. So if we want to treat kidney disease, we should put those symptoms and complications under control. Based on this point, the kidney disease patient should find a proper treatment and take it timely, you know the treatment is the key point to treat kidney disease.

What treatment can treat kidney disease effectively ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it can treat kidney disease effectively with no much side-effect, that is to say it can treat kidney disease without make further damage to the kidneys.

If you want to know more information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

Our email: kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com

