
Why the Kidney Disease will Come to the Stage of Uremia?

Uremia is the Chinese saying of all kidney diseases in final stage.

In this article, I will introduce some reasons of the uremia, but the listed reasons in this article are far from enough. So if you or your surrounding people have these symptoms, you need pay attention to these.

1 Fifteen percent of the hypertension are able to turn into uremia directly. According to the statistics in 1998, the population of hypertension patients covers 10 percent of the total population, that is to say, among ten persons there will be 1 hypertension patient and 1.5 person is able to be the uremia patient.

2 Thirty percent of the diabetes are able to turn into uremia directly. A recent statistics show that, the population of diabetic in China is 4.32 million, the population of people with a impaired glucose tolerance is 5.064 million and the total population of these two group is 9.384 million. That is to say, only because of the diabetes, there is about 1.3 million uremia patients and more than1.5 million uremia high-risk group.

3 Kidney disease is the main reason of uremia, so the final result of all chronic kidney disease is uremia. But among these reasons, chronic nephritis is the primary reason, which covers a high percent of 55.7%.

4 Caused by urinary system infection or urinary tract infection

According to the statistics, the percent of morbidity of urinary tract infection for male is 0.23 and female is 2.37. Any age group is able to be attacked by these infections, especially for the woman in childbearing age, which covers a high rate. In our country, the second factor which is easy to cause the uremia is chronic nephropyelitis, which covers a high percent of 21.2

5 Caused by different degrees of medicines side-effect. A research shows that, about 25 percent of the kidney failure are caused by medicines renal toxicity.

6 Age-related

In China, the population of aged people covers 10% of the total population. In 2025, the population of aged people above 60 years old, will reaches to 19.3% of the total population. In the general check, the result shows that 17.3% of the aged people have different kinds of kidney diseases and among the hospitalized patients, the patients with urinary system diseases cover a percent of 3.4-6.3.

When people get old, the kidney structure and kidney function will have an obvious degenerative change. In the normal health condition, the kidney has a powerful compensation, when the kidney function is only 50%, it can also sustain the normal life activity, such as the normal can live healthily with only one kidney.

Besides, with the age, our body’s function of reserve will decline even lost , so on the condition of no extra burden on kidney, which is able to satisfy the normal body activity, but it is not possible for the kidney to deal with the sudden injury and diseases. So when the aged people have any unexpected situation, which will be easy to cause the further damage of kidney function and then develop to the stage of uremia. There are many inducements for patients in older uremia, such as infection, cold, hemorrhage, hydropenia and nephrotoxic drugs.

7 The rate of uremia caused by HIV infection is creasing and this reason covers 1% of all the inducements of uremia.

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