
Without Kidney Transplant for Kidney Failure Patients

A person with Kidney Failure has end stage renal disease (ESRD) with very severe decline of GFR 15 or less. At this advanced stage of kidney disease, the kidneys have lost nearly all their ability to do their job effectively, eventually Dialysis or a Kidney Transplant is needed to maintain the rest life. Here, follow me to find out new treatments without kidney transplantation.

In Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Center point, we do recommend natural therapies to patients. These therapies develop from Traditional Chinese Medicine which have been widely used and became more and more popular among patients. Actually, for most kidney failure patients, only they have urine output, there is a great chance to avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. Because urine is hope for the reverse of the end-stage kidney disease. That means there still room for the GFR to be raised, and your kidney function still get the chance to be recovered for a level. To know whether you can use the following treatments or not, please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and you will get suggestions from our kidney experts.

Blood Purification

It includes immune adsorption, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, CRRT, and so on. According to the causes of kidney diseases, doctors will select the corresponding methods to cleanse patients’ blood and remove waste products, toxins and immune complexes from the body. When blood is cleansed, enough nutrients and oxygen can be provided for inherent kidney cells. Also, this can provide a clean environment for the following treatments.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The therapy is one treatment that can expand blood vessels, fight inflammation and coagulation and dissolve extracellular matrix. When these effects are achieved, impaired kidney cells can recover to work gradually. Accordingly, glomerular filtration rate increases to some extent. Then, patients can avoid second kidney failure successfully. Although you feel it is simple, actually it is a more systemic treatments. Because there are many formulas. After getting the diagnosis, the doctor will design the individualized formula to the patient. As long as kidney function get improvement, kidney transplant also can be avoided naturally.

