
Stopping Dialysis Begins from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Stopping dialysis treatment can be the great wish for every Kidney Failure patients. We do not deny Dialysis can help relieve symptoms and improve life expectancy to some extent, while it also brings new health problems and discounts the quality of life. Now, stopping dialysis begins from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

Our hospital, shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is one largest kidney disease specialized hospital in China. With more than 30 years of development and progression, our kidney experts have researched and created latest kidney disease treatments from Traditional Chinese Medicine and advanced western medical technology. Clinical practice have been proved that our treatments are effective, natural and safe. And there are many successful cases that Kidney Failure patients get rid of Dialysis. If you want to stop dialysis and improve life quality, send your test reports to ckdstage@hotmail.com for an individualized treatment plan.

Now, let’s see the characterized treatments in our hospital.

In our Treatment center point, most treatments are based on Chinese herbal medicine. More systemic and effective treatment include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Immunotherapy, and so on. The reason why they can help stop dialysis is because they are aimed at saving kidneys with a series of special functions such as extending blood vessels, improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis and immune complexes out of body, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, offering kidneys nutrients and promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells.

The specific curative effects after our treatments:

Firstly, our patients can feel some effect after 7 to 10 days' comprehensive treatment. some serious symptoms and complications such as Fatigue, Swelling and hypertension can be relieved.

After 20 days' special and professional treatment, patients can feel the good effect and their kidney function can get a great improvement. Also, creatinine can be reduced and almost normal.

The rest of 10 days is used to consolidate the effect and avoid disease relapse (appear) again. And You can not trouble back at home. Also, at the same time, creatinine can be normal and kidney function can work normally.

