
Diet for the Patients with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis

For all the diseases, the patients should pay attention to the diet, so what attention should be paid for the patients with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis? Here our hospital experts have list some suggestions about this disease.

For the patients with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis, some foods are not allowed for them.

I Avoid touching and using the things which may cause irritability, such as, some food, medicine, pollen, paint and so on. Such food as: milk, crab, shrimp, egg, mutton and so on; such medicines as: sulfonamides, penicillin preparation, antipyretic analgesics, rimifon, insulin.

II Taking different medicines based on different types of purpuric nephritis. Such as, the patients with heat toxic in the blood and deficiency of yin should choose partial cold food, such as fresh lotus root, water chestnuts, shepherd's purse, pear, carambola, lotus seeds, fungus, lotus leaf, etc.

III The patients with purpuric nephritis should take the diet with light taste, rich nutrition and easy to digest, avoid the improper diet. Such as, avoid the diet with rich fat and do not eat too much for per meal, because which may add burden to the stomach and intestine and then cause the intestinal tract bleeding.

IV The foods should be precision-machined and avoid the low-diet, such as, celery, rape, leek, bamboo, pineapple etc, which may abrase the gastrointestinal mucosa and induce or aggravate the intestinal tract bleeding. Besides, the undercooked beef, mutton, pork, cigarette, alcohol, and spicy food should also be avoided.

A good diet schedule will also have a big effect in the course of disease recovery, so more attention to your diet and more health in your life.

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