
Renal Failure Due to Diabetes: Can Kidneys Be Restored without Dialysis

Diabetes is the most leading single cause of Kidney Failure. There is no cure, but medical treatment can slow down progression of kidney disease. In the condition, common options include medications, dialysis, kidney transplantation. Well then, can kidneys be restored without dialysis?

Why do patients need to take replacement treatments to dialysis?

Actually, people with diabetes and kidney disease (Diabetic Nephropathy) do worse overall than people with kidney disease alone. That is because people with diabetes tend to have other long-standing medical conditions, like hypertension, high cholesterol and blood vessel disease. Dialysis, as a artificial kidney, it just can replace a part of renal function. After all, it cannot work as the healthy kidneys for 24 hours. In addition, it also cannot repair kidney damage from the root. What’s more, long-term dialysis may bring new health problems. Therefore, patients have to look for alternative treatments.

What treatments can restore damaged kidneys?

Nowadays, Dialysis is no longer the only treatment for patients with Renal Failure. After 30-year development, Treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital becomes more and more popular. Among them, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be regarded as a reliable alternative therapy for dialysis patients. And the recommended reasons are as follows:

1. It t is easy to be operated and free of side effects. Patients undergo this treatment describe it as Chinese Massage, so it is very comfortable.

2. It can help repair kidney damage and improve kidney function through the following steps: dilate blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation as well as provide nutrients for the diseased kidneys.

3. Diabetic nephropathy patients do not need to have bitter taste, as the herbal bags are externally used.

4. As for the herbal lists, they are all carefully chosen which based on your illness conditions. If you trust us, we would like to provide you individualized help. You can attach your new test reports to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

Without Kidney Transplant for Kidney Failure Patients

Without Kidney Transplant for Kidney Failure PatientsA person with Kidney Failure has end stage renal disease (ESRD) with very severe decline of GFR 15 or less. At this advanced stage of kidney disease, the kidneys have lost nearly all their ability to do their job effectively, eventually Dialysis or a Kidney Transplant is needed to maintain the rest life. Here, follow me to find out new treatments without kidney transplantation.

In Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Center point, we do recommend natural therapies to patients. These therapies develop from Traditional Chinese Medicine which have been widely used and became more and more popular among patients. Actually, for most kidney failure patients, only they have urine output, there is a great chance to avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. Because urine is hope for the reverse of the end-stage kidney disease. That means there still room for the GFR to be raised, and your kidney function still get the chance to be recovered for a level. To know whether you can use the following treatments or not, please email to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and you will get suggestions from our kidney experts.

Blood Purification

It includes immune adsorption, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, CRRT, and so on. According to the causes of kidney diseases, doctors will select the corresponding methods to cleanse patients’ blood and remove waste products, toxins and immune complexes from the body. When blood is cleansed, enough nutrients and oxygen can be provided for inherent kidney cells. Also, this can provide a clean environment for the following treatments.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The therapy is one treatment that can expand blood vessels, fight inflammation and coagulation and dissolve extracellular matrix. When these effects are achieved, impaired kidney cells can recover to work gradually. Accordingly, glomerular filtration rate increases to some extent. Then, patients can avoid second kidney failure successfully. Although you feel it is simple, actually it is a more systemic treatments. Because there are many formulas. After getting the diagnosis, the doctor will design the individualized formula to the patient. As long as kidney function get improvement, kidney transplant also can be avoided naturally.


Should You Exercise with Creatinine Level at 3.9

Creatinine level 3.9 is definitely higher than the normal range which should draw your much attention to your kidneys’ condition. To lower it, patients need to eat correct food, drink right beverages and have healthy lifestyles, in addition to medical treatments. Well then, should you exercise with creatinine level 3.9?

What’s creatinine level?

Creatinine is a waste product from the normal breakdown of muscle tissues and made from creatine, a supplier of energy to the muscles. So, for person with strong muscle, they usually have a little higher creatinine level. The normal creatinine level in the body is approximately 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams per deciliter in adult males and 0.5 to 1.1 milligrams per deciliter in adult females. Creatinine is produced, and healthy kidneys will filter it from the body in the urine.

Can patients do exercise with creatinine 3.9?

Since creatinine is the end product of muscles, so a sudden drastic physical exercise may cause sudden increase of creatinine level. Therefore, for the reason, kidney disease patients always suggested to avoid doing strenuous exercises. However, it does not mean renal disease patients should stay in bed all the time. Because there are still some types of exercises that good for patients.

Generally speaking, mild or gentle physical exercise is very health-beneficial. It not only helps to strengthen immune system, but also promote blood circulation. A better blood circulation is the basic for kidney to get enough nutrition and oxygen from blood, so regular mild exercises like walking, playing Tai Chi, riding bike, jogging are good for patients with kidney damage.

Well then, can my creatinine level be lowered by appropriate exercise?

Although some exercises is helpful, high creatinine level cannot be lowered to the normal range just through exercise. The very root cause of elevated creatinine level is due to impaired renal function. If you want to improve renal function naturally, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and we will do our best to help you!


45% Kidney Function with Heart Problems: What Treatments Can I Take

A person with 45% kidney function means that he is in Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. Due to moderate kidney damage, patients are more prone to suffer from complications like heart problems. In the condition, what treatments can patients take?

How does kidney disease induce heart problems?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the commonest cause of death in Chronic Kidney Disease patients. As we all know, the kidneys regulate water and salts, remove wastes and make various hormones. However, when kidneys are damaged by some factors, they cannot work effectively. The following causes or symptoms are contributing to heart problems:

1. High Blood Pressure (elevated blood pressure increases risk of heart attack, congestive heart failure and stroke)

2. Diabetes (high blood sugar level can damage the major vessels that feed the muscles of the heart)

3. Hyperlipidaemia

4. Much fluid in the body(much fluid in the body can put strain on the heart and increases the risk of complications including left ventricular hypertrophy, which can result in heart failure.)

After understanding causes, you can take correspondent treatments. If you have any questions or need further help, please remember to email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or chat with me through Whatsapp or Viber +8613933102807and we will do our best to help you!

1. Diet management

Healthy dietary habits are the guarantee of the humans’ health. It is important to develop kidney-friendly diet plan. The general requirements include low-protein diet, low-sodium diet, low-potassium diet, low-phosphorus diet, high vitamins intake. In addition, if you suffer from hypertension and diabetes, you should also pay attention to intake of salt and sugar.

2. Chinese Medicine Treatments

In our Treatment center point, Chinese medicines treatments are extremely prevailing. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is regarded as the systemic and natural therapy. Through playing functions such as expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix, kidney can get enough blood and oxygen, which lay a solid foundation for repairing kidney damage and improving renal function from the root. As long as renal function gets improvement, everything can go well.


What Are Treatments of Renal Failure Other Than Dialysis for the Elderly

Elderly people is running high risk of getting kidney failure, especially for those with long-term hypertension and diabetes. Usually, Dialysis treatment will be recommended to you. However, due to its potential adverse effect, quite a number of patients refuse that. What are treatments of renal failure other than dialysis for the elderly?

Taking many factors into consideration, such as age, immune system status, physical conditions, tolerant ability, etc, kidney experts who work in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital mainly adopt conservative treatments from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). If you’d like to get rid of dialysis by our unique treatments, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and we will do our best to help you!

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be regarded as the most systemic, effective and natural treatments for elderly people. How does it work for the elderly with kidney failure?

1. Without side effects

In order to avoid damage to gastrointestinal tract and prevent efficacy of medicines losing, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied externally. During the treatment, patients just need to lie in the bed and can talk with their families, watch TV, listen music, etc. And most foreign patients describe the therapy as Chinese massage, very comfortable.

2. Significant curative effects

through extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys, active materials of medicines will gradually repair kidney damage and remover renal function. Generally speaking, after one month of treatment, not only kidney function, but also their immune systems can be well improved from the root.

Other assistant treatments like Medicated Bath, Immunotherapy, Foot Bath, Blood Pollution Therapy, etc can be applied if necessary. However, So far, these treatments are only available in our hospital which is located in China. So, if you can come to here for new treatments, please don’t hesitate to consult with us! And the consultation is free!


What Is Considered High Creatinine Level

High Creatinine Level is a warning that can accompany with other symptoms or discomforts like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, poor appetite, etc. Well then, what is considered high creatinine level?

Actually, in clinic, creatinine level is an indicator to reflect your kidneys’ condition. And usually high creatinine level can be a typical symptom when patients lose at least 50% renal function. To know what is considered high creatinine, it is better to have a good learning about creatinine. Any questions after reading, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or add my Whatsapp/Viber +8613933102807. And we are ready to help you!

What’s the creatinine?

The main source of creatinine is a chemical waste product that’s produced by our body muscles. Besides, smaller extent comes from meat we take but it will not cause great influence to creatinine level. In normal condition, almost all creatinine produced by our body muscles will be filtered out in the same day. As a result, the creatinine level in our blood can change in a stable range. Because healthy kidneys filter creatinine and other waste products from your blood and the filtered wastes products leave your body in your urine eventually.

What is the normal range of creatinine level?

Creatinine level should be kept within the normal ranges: 0.5-1.1 mg/dl for females; 0.6-1.2 mg/dl for males; 0.3-0.7 mg/dl for children.

Therefore, once your creatinine level is higher the normal ranges, it can be considered as high creatinine level. Especially when your creatinine level increases to 5, and you suffer from severe complications at the same time, dialysis will be recommended to you.

What treatments can I receive for high creatinine level?

If you want to avoid or get rid of dialysis, you can try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It can help lower elevated creatinine level naturally. Because active ingredients of treatment can help expand blood vessels, promote blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and so on. All of them contribute to improving renal function from the root. As long as renal function can be improved, extra creatinine level will be expelled again by the kidneys.


Is Dialysis the Only Option for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

Diabetic Nephropathy is a serious complication of persistent high blood sugar. Without early and effective treatments, it will progress into Kidney Failure at last. Some patients are worried about dialysis is the only option for them. Well then, what on earth is the answer?

Actually, diabetic kidney disease sufferers need to start dialysis early, and this is to protect their other internal organs from being damaged by toxins in blood. We do not deny that dialysis is a very effective way to cleanse blood and also currently, it is a quickest way to get polluted blood cleaned. However, it cannot repair kidney damage at all. Therefore, the treatments also should focus on improving renal function from the root.

In order to achieve the goal, we suggest the following treatments which are widely used in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. If you’d like to learn whether you can use it or not, please attach your test reports to kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

Blood Pollution Therapy

This is a very different treatment method, because it treats kidney failure by firstly cleaning polluted blood and then rebuilding damaged kidney structure. This treatment contains three steps: combined therapy of blood purification, element supplementation and rebuilding of kidney function. This special therapy is especially effective for patients who have large amounts of toxins in blood.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This is an great innovation of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicinbe), which treats kidney disease by performing four typical properties: anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, dilation of blood vessels and degradation of extracellular matrix. With help of this herbal treatment, healthy kidney tissues can be strengthened and damaged kidney tissues can be repaired.


What Can We Do to Stop or Halt Progression of PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a type of Chronic Kidney Disease which progresses very slowly. Even so, if without timely diagnosis and treatments, it will develops into Kidney Failure eventually, affecting life health and quality. So, taking correct measures is very essential. Then, what can we do to stop progression of PKD?

For a person with PKD, he may be asymptomatic when the cysts on the kidneys are small in the sizes. That’s also why most patients do not know they have the kidney disease. However, along with increase and growth of cysts, patients will begin to suffer from some obvious symptoms like back pain, high blood pressure, swelling, kidney pain, or even blood in urine, etc. Because the enlarged cysts cause damage renal function.

To be frank, as a genetic disease, there is still no any cure for curing the kidney disease completely at present. But that’s doesn’t mean you can do nothing for yourself. Because you have a great chance to live a normal life as the healthy people if you can do good job on the following aspects:

Diet Restrictions

In order to protect cysts from rupturing, it is important to keep spicy food or other stimulating food away from patients. And in order to reduce kidneys’ burden and protect residual renal function, patients should follow kidney-friendly dietary principles: low-protein diet, low-salt diet, low-potassium or phosphorus diet, and high-vitamin food.

Do appropriate exercise

In our daily life, some types of exercises that are potentially harmful to the kidney, such as contact sports, should be avoided. In addition, it is important not to become too dehydrate during physical activity. However, in order to strengthen immune system, some gentle exercises like walking, jogging, Tai Chi, etc are recommended to patients.

Receive effective treatments

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, patients can avoid or get rid of dialysis or kidney transplant with our treatments. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Blood Pollution Therapy, Foot Bath, Maikang Mixture and so on can be effective treatments for shrinking cysts and improving renal function. But all of them are only available in our hospital. If you want to get them, you can add my Whatsapp or Viber+8613933102807 or email to kidneycured@gmail.com. And we are ready to help you!


What It Means If BUN Is 69 and Creatinine Level is 6.7

Both BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) Level and Creatinine Level can tell you kidney healthy conditions. Usually, their levels are kept within the stable ranges by the healthy kidneys. However, what it means if BUN is 69 and creatinine level is 6.7?

What’s the normal range of BUN and creatinine level?

BUN: The normal level ranges from 3.2-7.0mmol/L (6-20mg/dl) for adults.

Creatinine: the normal level is 0.5-1.1mg/dl for females, 0.6-1.2mg/dl for males.

How will be a person with such symptoms?

Through the comparison, we can see that BUN 69 and creatinine 6.7 are extremely higher than the normal ranges. In clinic, they won’t increase until half of renal function has been damaged. That’s to say, cretinine 6.7 means kidneys have been damaged severely, and patients may in Stage 4 Kidney Failure or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). And blood urea nitrogen 69 is also far more than the normal range, and means that your renal function decreases very seriously. At the case, you may suffer from a series of complications, such as nausea, vomiting, edema, itching, poor appetite, anemia, fatigue and so on. Due to severe decline of renal function, your life quality will be discounted largely. In order to remit pain and improve life quality, you must need to receive effective treatments as soon as possible.

What treatment can help patients with BUN 69 and creatinine 6.7?

Usually, in the stage, dialysis will be recommended to you. Because dialysis is a rapid way to discharge extra wastes and toxins from the body. Especially when you suffer from severe complications at the same time, dialysis may be necessary.

Of course, if you can come to China for treatments, you can find other effective treatments rather than dialysis. After all, dialysis just places some functions of kidneys. It fails to repair kidney damage. In our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we do mainly use natural Chinese medicines treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Immunotherapy, Foot Bath, Maikang Mixture, Blood Pollution Therapy, etc. After a systemic treatments, patients can avoid or get rid of dialysis naturally.

To get these treatments, please add my Whatsapp/Viber +8613933102807 or email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com. The consultation is free!


Can Chinese Osmotherapy Lower Creatinine Level 9

Creatinine Level 9 definitely indicates the patient’s kidney has been damaged severely. It also tells us that there are many wastes and toxins that build up in the blood. Compared to dialysis, Chinese Osmotherapy are more effective for lowering creatinine level 9 naturally.

What is Chinese Osmotherapy?

Chinese Osmotherapy is also known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is an innovated treatment from Traditional Chinese Medicine which is an external application of herbal medicine. Meanwhile advanced equipment is also combined into the treatment.

How does the treatment reduce creatinine 9?

Actually, the very root cause of high creatinine 9 is the severe kidney damage. Therefore, to lower high creatinine level from the root, it is important to enhance renal function at first. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy focuses on repairing renal damage and enhancing kidney cells’ self-handling ability.

During the treatment, patients just need to lie in the bed. The doctor will elect 13-14 kinds of herbal medicines according to your illness conditions. Chinese medicines having functions like anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promoting DNA replication and providing nutrition for the damaged kidneys will be processed and matched to minimize the renal toxicity and maximize the efficacy. Two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicine are put under the lower back of patients, osmosis device help active ingredients directly get to kidney through skin and channels on the back. Many patients describe the treatments as the Chinese massage.

After achieving the above curative effects, kidney function can be greatly improved. As long as kidney can work effectively, creatinine 9 can be lowered naturally without side effects.

Where can I get the therapy?

So far, it is only available in China, our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. If you want to get the therapy or learn more details, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly!


How to Protect Diabetics from Kidney Failure

Diabetic Nephropathy is the most common and serious complication of diabetes. Without timely diagnosis and correct treatments, it also causes Kidney Failure easily. Therefore, for patients with diabetes, it is important to know how to keep themselves away from kidney damage.

Why diabetics are prone to suffer from renal failure?

It is reported that out of 100 patients, as many as 40 will get the kidney disease. Actually, kidneys are responsible for eliminating extra sugar from the body. High blood sugar level makes kidneys work harder to remove extra sugar. Long-term diabetes causes overwork for kidneys for a long time. Then, kidney capillaries are damaged easily. As kidney filtering system is damaged, it indicated the onset of diabetic kidney disease, also called Diabetic Nephropathy. From this point, we can know kidneys are more likely to be involved in long-term diabetes.

How to prevent diabetes developing into end stage kidney disease?

For diabetics, the most effective method to prevent kidney damage is to manage diabetes itself tightly. As long as diabetes controlled very well, patients can stay away from a series of related complications easily. If you want to learn more detailed or individualized treatment suggestions, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and we will do our best to help you.

Now, let’ see some effective treatments.

1. Control blood sugar level

Aside from controlling blood sugar level by medicines (antidiabetic medicines), it is important to have healthy diet plan. Patients are suggested to follow a sugar-free diet for keep blood sugar level within the normal range.

2. Manage blood pressure

Most patients with diabetes will experience high blood pressure, which is one important factor to lead to the onset and development of diabetic kidney disease. ACEI and ARB are the common drugs for these patients.

3. Keep healthy habits

Activities such as smoking and drinking should be avoided. Besides, exercise is also an excellent habit. Exercise can as part of your treatment. The appropriate exercises can be helpful, like jogging, walking, swimming, yoga, etc.

4. Take some Chinese herbal medicines

Chinese ginseng contains bioactive compounds called ginsenosides, which may help support the normal function of the pancreas, the large lobulated gland behind your stomach that secretes insulin. Other herbs like Gymnema Sylvestre, Billberry, Bitter Melon are also effective for controlling blood sugar level.


How Can I Live with 7% Kidney Function

Questions :" I was told by my doctor that I only have 7% renal function. Although I do not receive dialysis treatment but it seems that I have no choices. I also have 10 years primary hypertension. Can you tell me how long can I live with 7% renal funct"

Expert Answer
How Can I Live with 7% Kidney FunctionI was told by my doctor that I only have 7% renal function. Although I do not receive dialysis treatment but it seems that I have no choices. I also have 10 years’ primary hypertension. Can you tell me how long can I live with 7% renal function?

From your description, I am so sorry to say that your are really in a severe condition, and you need to receive effective treatments as soon as possible. A appropriate and effective treatment can have a good prognosis. However, if you take no any treatments, you will have a poor life expectancy.

If you have some symptoms like nausea, vomiting, swelling, skin itching, etc, you may need to rely on dialysis. Dialysis can help you remove extra wastes and toxins from the blood effectively so as to prolong patients’ life span. However, it cannot repair kidney damage and improve renal function from the root. Therefore, you should take the joint therapy-Chinese Medicine Treatments.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of unique Chinese Herbal Treatments. On the basis of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, dilating blood vessels and expelling immune complexes, the activate ingredients in Chinese Medicine can come to damaged kidney tissues directly with the help of osmosis machine. In this way, damaged kidney can be repaired and patients’ kidney function can be improved naturally.

Since we don’t know the exact illness condition of you, so we cant give you the detailed treatment project to you. You can send your recent test report to kidneycured@gmail.com or text message on Whatsapp/Viber +8613933102807. We are glad to help you!


When Should We Start Dialysis for Renal Failure Patients

Dialysis is indeed a life-support treatment that uses to remove extra wastes and toxins out of the body effectively. For patients with Kidney Failure, they concern more about when should they start dialysis. Now, let’s have a look.

Choose dialysis treatment according to your illness conditions.

In clinic, kidney dialysis is usually recommended to renal failure patients with less than 15% renal function. Of course, whether you start dialysis or not depends on your own choices. There are common two options:

-Start kidney dialysis before you have symptoms of kidney failure or before your lab results show very poor kidney function.

-Start dialysis after you have symptoms or after your lad result get worse.

However, before starting dialysis, you should also consider well. Since dialysis only replaces kidneys to filter blood vessels. It cannot solve the underlying problem. In addition, dialysis also can cause side effects which can cause further damage. Actually, nowadays, dialysis is no longer the only treatments to deal with the condition. Therefore, you should try to find out the alternative treatments.

Alternative treatments to dialysis in China

In Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Treatment center point, Chinese medicine treatments becomes the mainstream treatments. We mainly use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We have a holistic herbal treatment system, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath and Foot Bath, etc. Take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an example. It is an external application used on bilateral kidney areas. Chinese herbs are super-finely shattered. With penetrant liquids and osmosis device, the effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesions directly. They can expand blood vessels, reduce inflammations and degrade extracellular matrixes, thus increasing the whole blood circulation. Then, kidney cells can get enough blood volume and oxygen to function well. As long as kidney function is higher than 15%, patients need no dialysis but can also live a good life.

If you are interested in the Chinese treatments, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly. We are always to help you!


Medicines for Lowering High Creatinine Level

High Creatinine Level is an warning that 50% of renal function has been damaged in clinic and patients with elevated creatinine level will become anxious. How to lower its level has became their concerned question. Actually, several medicines play the vital roles in normalizing creatinine level for kidney disease patients.


It is one important non-dialysis treatment for kidney failure patients. It can help lower creatinine level and relieve other symptoms of this disease, so as to slow down illness progression and protect residual kidney function. It’s my duty to tell you, you should take it with a low protein diet. What’s more, the patients’ GFR should lower than 25ml/min.

Chinese Herbal Medicines

Chinese herbal medicines is one of important part in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). There are many natural herbs that can help cleanse the kidneys and improve renal filtering function so as to wash more creatinine and other wastes out of the body, such as dandelion root, leaves, and, flowers, nettle leaf, dong chong xia cao, Astragalus, and so on,


It is the combination of Chinese medicines and western medicines which aims at repairing renal damaged and improving renal functions. It is no surgery and can help lower high creatinine level effectively

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Compared to signal herbal medicines, it is more systemic, natural and effective. It is an external application of Chinese herbal medicine which can help avoid gastrointestinal tract damage. The active ingredients of herbal medicine can permeate into kidney lesions directly so that they can play their medical functions effectively. As long as kidney function can be achieved, creatinine level can be lowered naturally.

You can choose any one based on your own illness conditions. Any questions, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or add my Whatsapp or Viber +8613933102807. You will get free help from kidney experts within 24 hours!


How to Reduce Creatinine 1.8 for Patients after Kidney Transplant

Creatinine 1.8 is just little higher than the normal range, but it does not mean there is nothing to worry, especially for patients after kidney transplant. Well them, how to reduce creatinine 1.8 level for kidney failure patients after kidney transplant?

What’s the normal creatinine level for patients with kidney transplant?

Since the transplanted kidney is used to replace the failed kidneys to function, so the normal creatinine level should also ranges from 0.5-1.1mg/dl for females and 0.6-1.2mg/dl for males.

What does creatinine 1.8 mean for patients after kidney transplant?

Comparing to the normal range, we can see that 1.8 creatinine level is indeed higher. Therefore, patients should pay much highly attention to the conditions. Because several dangerous factor can induce high creatinine level after operation such as organ rejection, side effects of immunosuppressant agent, primary kidney disease, and so on. When you find the condition, you should seek professional help from your doctor as soon as possible. Any questions or need further help after reading, you can still text message on Whatsapp/ Viber +8615511890271 or send email to kidneycured@gmail.com and we are ready to help you!

Well then, how to lower creatinine leel 1.8 for these patients?

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Actually, the very root cause of high creatinine level is poor renal function. Therefore, the treatments should aim at improving kidney function. Therefore, I recommend traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines to you. Since some of are natural diuretic, so extra creatinine level can be removed out of the body through urine output.

Innovated therapy from TCM

In addition, several innovated therapies from TCM like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Immunotherapy, etc are more effective. All of the herbs in these treatments can expand blood vessels, reduce inflammation and degrade extracellular matrixes, thus promoting blood circulation. Then, kidneys can get clear blood volume and oxygen to repair the damaged renal tissues. As long as renal function can get improvement, creatinine level also be reduced naturally.


How Does Medicated Bath Work For My Damaged Kidney

Questions :" I were looking for alternative treatments for my damaged kidney rather than dialysis on the Internet. So I find your unique treatment-Medicated Bath. I have interest. How does it work for the damaged kidney?"

Expert Answer
How Does Medicated Bath Work For My Damaged KidneyDear Friend, as the doctor, I understand you very much why you need to alternative treatments to dialysis. Because it just can help purify blood but fail to repair kidney damage and improve renal function from the root. Different from dialysis, Medicated Bath (Full Bath Therapy) is an natural and effective treatment for repairing kidney damage.

How does medicated bath work for damaged kidneys?

The mechanism of Full Bath is based on the features of skin, and under the effect of warm water in full bath, the functions of skin can be promoted obviously. We put many special and unique Chinese medicines in the Full Bath Therapy, which can work on kidneys to improve the kidney function. The specific functions are as below:

1. Dilate blood vessels and improve the blood circulation

2. Increase the body metabolism and remove toxins and wastes out

3. Promote the blood circulation and increase the blood volume into kidneys

4. Improve the immune system and prevent inflammations or infections

5. Bring more nutrition and oxygen to kidneys, which can repair damaged kidney tissues and improve the kidney function.

If cooperating with other treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath, Blood Pollution Therapy or Acupuncture, etc, the curative effect can be strengthened. However, they are only available in China. So, if you can come to China for the treatment, you can add my Whatsapp/Viber +8613933102807or email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com


Natural Remedies for Elderly People with GFR 59.49

An elderly with GFR 59.49 should pay much attention to the kidney health because it is indeed lower than the normal range. As we all know GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) is an reliable indicator to measure your blood pressure. If one person’s test shows his GFR is lower than the normal, how to improve GFR naturally must be their biggest concern. Here, there are some natural remedies which can help improve renal function for elderly people.

Diet Therapy

Due to the excessive strain put on the body by kidney disease and failure, adding salt to the body makes the situation much more difficult. The loss of potassium into the urine means that there is almost always too much salt in the body in terms of the necessary balance. Therefore, you should adopt a low-salt diet to make sure the fluid balance in the body remains appropriate. Of course, low-salt diet is just one part. If you want to get more suggestions, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine are composed of root, branches, leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits etc. More than 3.000 different kinds of herbs can be used for medical problems in China. And among them, about 500 herbs are commonly used. Chinese herbs are prescribed to normalize imbalanced energy, or Qi , that runs through invisible meridians in the body and keep your health in balance

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

To stop patients’ condition from developing renal failure and help them avoid dialysis or further dialysis, some natural treatments are helpful including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which aims to repair the damaged kidney tissues as many as possible so as to reverse patients’ condition. If you haven’t make a healthy lifestyle or found effective medical treatment, you can get help from the kidney experts online.


Stomach Bloating in CKD: Causes and Treatments

Does Chronic Kidney Disease Cause Stomach BloatingChronic Kidney Disease is a progressive kidney disorder which can cause numerous symptoms, affecting people’s health and life. Well then, does chronic kidney disease cause belly bloating? You will get more useful information here.

To be honest, stomach bloating or swelling is not as common as many other symptoms like high blood pressure, proteinuria, blood in urine and tiredness and forth on. In most conditions, CKD patients are more prone to suffer from fluid retention in their eyelid, face, hands and feet. But it is still possible that kidney disease patients suffer stomach bloating.


Actually, the very root cause of the condition is due to fluid retention and electrolyte imbalance. Normally, the kidneys can remove excess water from the body and keep electrolyte balance, however, for CKD patients, they will lose part or nearly all of renal function eventually if left treated. In addition, nausea, vomiting, excessive production of gas, swelling, and other symptoms all may warn people with CKD to pay attention to stomach bloating.

Through the above analysis, we can see that chronic renal disease can cause stomach bloating. Then, next step is to look for effective treatments timely. Any questions you have, please do feel free to contact our Online Doctor or email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com and we are always ready to help you!


-Dietary restrictions

Undigestible sugars have been known to worsen abdominal distention, so the sufferers should try to avoid these foods. Undigestible sugars include raffinose, beans, cabbage, broccoli, and so on.

-Improving renal function

Speaking of improving renal function, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is worth trying. It is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and combines advanced medical device. All the herbs are used externally and with the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients in the treatment show obvious effects in improving renal function. As long as kidney function gets improved, related symptoms can be relieved from the root!


How Can I Slow Down Progression of CKD and Prevent Dialysis

CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) is a progressive disease which is divided into five stages according to Glomerular Filtration Rate. Without early and effective treatment, it may develop into End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Therefore, for each CKD patients, they concern more about one question: How can they slow down progression of CKD and prevent dialysis?

No matter which stages you are in now, you should do the following things at least, if you want to stop or slow down development of kidney damage. After reading that, if you still have any questions, you can email to us at kidneyfailurehospital@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and we will try our best to help you!

1. Have individualized Diet Therapy

Diet can affect patients’ a lot. Hence, chronic kidney disease patients should have an individualized diet plan for their own illness conditions. Generally, the requirements include low-protein but high-quality protein diet, low-salt diet, low-potassium diet, low-phosphorus diet, high vitamins food, etc. But it’s my duty to tell you different illness conditions need different dietary restrictions.

2. Relieve related symptoms and control complications.

Patients will be symptomatic along with progression of kidney disease. They are likely to experience protienuria, blood urine, anemia, high blood pressure, swelling, itching, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, etc. Therefore, a good management of these symptoms are very essential for reducing kidneys’ burden and protecting residual renal function.

3. Receive systemic and natural treatments

In our Treatment center point, what we can do is to repair kidney damage, protect and improve remaining renal function without dialysis. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is just one of popular and unique therapies in our center. The active ingredients of the medicines can help dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, fight against inflammation, prevent coagulation and degrade extracelluar matrix, etc. After achieving the goals, damaged kidneys can get enough blood and oxygen again, which can provide power for kidneys. As long as kidney function gets improvement, patients can help control or even reverse kidney damage effectively.

Successful Treatments for Kidney Cyst in China

“Do you have successful treatments for kidney cyst?” some patients ask the question frequently on our Online Service. Here, you will find more options rather than surgery. After reading it, if you have interest, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and we are ready to help you.

As a matter of fact, most patients are asymptomatic when kidney cysts are small in sizes. However, with its growth, it becomes painful and symptomatic. In the case, doctor may recommend aspiration or other surgery. In fact, in our Treatment center, we do have some natural treatment options for shrinking cysts and improving renal function naturally and effectively.

1. Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is being in an important position in the medical world. Nowadays, it is also widely used to treat kidney lesions. Kidney cysts patients can try to some of TCM like oral Chinese medicine soup, Acupuncture, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath and so on.

2.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is an external application of Chinese herbal medicine, which develops from TCM. Under the help of osmosis device, the active ingredients of the therapy can take effects directly in the external area of renal lesions. The Chinese herbal medicine can promote the permeability of cystic walls. In this case, the pressure difference between internal and external of the cysts will be reversed and the fluid will flow out into the urine. Thus it can reach the aim of shrinking cysts. In addition, it can also restrain the epithelial cells of cysts to secrete cystic fluid. In this way, the enlargement of cysts will be controlled from the root cause.

Where can you get the therapy?

Because we do not have any branches in other countries at present, so patients need to come to here for the treatments. Any questions, please do feel free to contact us!


What Shall I Do to Lower Creatinine 5.89

Creatinine level 5.89 is much higher than the normal range, which indicates that kidneys have been damaged severely. And you should pay highly attention to your whole body health and take early treatments. Well then, what shall you do to lower creatinine 5.89?

Diet plan for your own illness disease

In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, you do not need to limit how much fluid you drink. As your kidney disease becomes worse or when you are on dialysis, you will need to watch how much liquid you drink. In between dialysis sessions, fluid can build up in the body. Too much fluid will lead to shortness of breath, an emergency that needs immediate medical attention.

Reduce meat intake and develop a low-salt diet.

You are suggested to take more fruits and vegetable and avoid the foods that high in creatinine, such as cabbage, cucumber, omega 3-rich foods, raw onions, garlic, radishes, lettuce, soy ,milk, sprouts an d so on.

Chinese herbal medicines

Stinging Ginseng: it works to improve the kidney function and shows a great effects in lowering high creatinine levels naturally.

Ho Shou Wu: It gives a boost of energy and has a powerful reproductive function. While providing the kidney with its required strength it can also help recover from grey hair, reduces high cholesterol, blood pressure as well as arterial sclerosis.

Systemic Chinese treatments

In our Treatment center point, we do use systemic and natural therapy to treat kidney damage. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an effective treatments. The active ingredients can decrease blood viscosity and promote blood circulation in kidney area, as well as fight against inflammation. In the condition, kidney cells’ self-handling ability can be enhanced from the root. As a result, high creatinine level will be reduced thoroughly. Other assistant therapies include Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Blood Pollution Therapy etc. If you’d like to know more details, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and we will do our best to help you!