
What It Means If BUN Is 69 and Creatinine Level is 6.7

Both BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) Level and Creatinine Level can tell you kidney healthy conditions. Usually, their levels are kept within the stable ranges by the healthy kidneys. However, what it means if BUN is 69 and creatinine level is 6.7?

What’s the normal range of BUN and creatinine level?

BUN: The normal level ranges from 3.2-7.0mmol/L (6-20mg/dl) for adults.

Creatinine: the normal level is 0.5-1.1mg/dl for females, 0.6-1.2mg/dl for males.

How will be a person with such symptoms?

Through the comparison, we can see that BUN 69 and creatinine 6.7 are extremely higher than the normal ranges. In clinic, they won’t increase until half of renal function has been damaged. That’s to say, cretinine 6.7 means kidneys have been damaged severely, and patients may in Stage 4 Kidney Failure or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). And blood urea nitrogen 69 is also far more than the normal range, and means that your renal function decreases very seriously. At the case, you may suffer from a series of complications, such as nausea, vomiting, edema, itching, poor appetite, anemia, fatigue and so on. Due to severe decline of renal function, your life quality will be discounted largely. In order to remit pain and improve life quality, you must need to receive effective treatments as soon as possible.

What treatment can help patients with BUN 69 and creatinine 6.7?

Usually, in the stage, dialysis will be recommended to you. Because dialysis is a rapid way to discharge extra wastes and toxins from the body. Especially when you suffer from severe complications at the same time, dialysis may be necessary.

Of course, if you can come to China for treatments, you can find other effective treatments rather than dialysis. After all, dialysis just places some functions of kidneys. It fails to repair kidney damage. In our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we do mainly use natural Chinese medicines treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Immunotherapy, Foot Bath, Maikang Mixture, Blood Pollution Therapy, etc. After a systemic treatments, patients can avoid or get rid of dialysis naturally.

To get these treatments, please add my Whatsapp/Viber +8613933102807 or email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com. The consultation is free!

