
Stomach Bloating in CKD: Causes and Treatments

Does Chronic Kidney Disease Cause Stomach BloatingChronic Kidney Disease is a progressive kidney disorder which can cause numerous symptoms, affecting people’s health and life. Well then, does chronic kidney disease cause belly bloating? You will get more useful information here.

To be honest, stomach bloating or swelling is not as common as many other symptoms like high blood pressure, proteinuria, blood in urine and tiredness and forth on. In most conditions, CKD patients are more prone to suffer from fluid retention in their eyelid, face, hands and feet. But it is still possible that kidney disease patients suffer stomach bloating.


Actually, the very root cause of the condition is due to fluid retention and electrolyte imbalance. Normally, the kidneys can remove excess water from the body and keep electrolyte balance, however, for CKD patients, they will lose part or nearly all of renal function eventually if left treated. In addition, nausea, vomiting, excessive production of gas, swelling, and other symptoms all may warn people with CKD to pay attention to stomach bloating.

Through the above analysis, we can see that chronic renal disease can cause stomach bloating. Then, next step is to look for effective treatments timely. Any questions you have, please do feel free to contact our Online Doctor or email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com and we are always ready to help you!


-Dietary restrictions

Undigestible sugars have been known to worsen abdominal distention, so the sufferers should try to avoid these foods. Undigestible sugars include raffinose, beans, cabbage, broccoli, and so on.

-Improving renal function

Speaking of improving renal function, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is worth trying. It is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and combines advanced medical device. All the herbs are used externally and with the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients in the treatment show obvious effects in improving renal function. As long as kidney function gets improved, related symptoms can be relieved from the root!

