
What Can We Do to Stop or Halt Progression of PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a type of Chronic Kidney Disease which progresses very slowly. Even so, if without timely diagnosis and treatments, it will develops into Kidney Failure eventually, affecting life health and quality. So, taking correct measures is very essential. Then, what can we do to stop progression of PKD?

For a person with PKD, he may be asymptomatic when the cysts on the kidneys are small in the sizes. That’s also why most patients do not know they have the kidney disease. However, along with increase and growth of cysts, patients will begin to suffer from some obvious symptoms like back pain, high blood pressure, swelling, kidney pain, or even blood in urine, etc. Because the enlarged cysts cause damage renal function.

To be frank, as a genetic disease, there is still no any cure for curing the kidney disease completely at present. But that’s doesn’t mean you can do nothing for yourself. Because you have a great chance to live a normal life as the healthy people if you can do good job on the following aspects:

Diet Restrictions

In order to protect cysts from rupturing, it is important to keep spicy food or other stimulating food away from patients. And in order to reduce kidneys’ burden and protect residual renal function, patients should follow kidney-friendly dietary principles: low-protein diet, low-salt diet, low-potassium or phosphorus diet, and high-vitamin food.

Do appropriate exercise

In our daily life, some types of exercises that are potentially harmful to the kidney, such as contact sports, should be avoided. In addition, it is important not to become too dehydrate during physical activity. However, in order to strengthen immune system, some gentle exercises like walking, jogging, Tai Chi, etc are recommended to patients.

Receive effective treatments

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, patients can avoid or get rid of dialysis or kidney transplant with our treatments. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Blood Pollution Therapy, Foot Bath, Maikang Mixture and so on can be effective treatments for shrinking cysts and improving renal function. But all of them are only available in our hospital. If you want to get them, you can add my Whatsapp or Viber+8613933102807 or email to kidneycured@gmail.com. And we are ready to help you!

