
How to Reduce Creatinine 1.8 for Patients after Kidney Transplant

Creatinine 1.8 is just little higher than the normal range, but it does not mean there is nothing to worry, especially for patients after kidney transplant. Well them, how to reduce creatinine 1.8 level for kidney failure patients after kidney transplant?

What’s the normal creatinine level for patients with kidney transplant?

Since the transplanted kidney is used to replace the failed kidneys to function, so the normal creatinine level should also ranges from 0.5-1.1mg/dl for females and 0.6-1.2mg/dl for males.

What does creatinine 1.8 mean for patients after kidney transplant?

Comparing to the normal range, we can see that 1.8 creatinine level is indeed higher. Therefore, patients should pay much highly attention to the conditions. Because several dangerous factor can induce high creatinine level after operation such as organ rejection, side effects of immunosuppressant agent, primary kidney disease, and so on. When you find the condition, you should seek professional help from your doctor as soon as possible. Any questions or need further help after reading, you can still text message on Whatsapp/ Viber +8615511890271 or send email to kidneycured@gmail.com and we are ready to help you!

Well then, how to lower creatinine leel 1.8 for these patients?

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Actually, the very root cause of high creatinine level is poor renal function. Therefore, the treatments should aim at improving kidney function. Therefore, I recommend traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines to you. Since some of are natural diuretic, so extra creatinine level can be removed out of the body through urine output.

Innovated therapy from TCM

In addition, several innovated therapies from TCM like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Immunotherapy, etc are more effective. All of the herbs in these treatments can expand blood vessels, reduce inflammation and degrade extracellular matrixes, thus promoting blood circulation. Then, kidneys can get clear blood volume and oxygen to repair the damaged renal tissues. As long as renal function can get improvement, creatinine level also be reduced naturally.

