
Can Kidney Failure Patient Live Well with the Transplanted Kidney

Can kidney failure patient live well with the transplanted kidney ? This question is associated with many kidney disease patient who are going to take renal transplant. In fact, the situation is different from person to person, because there are may factors will affect the life of transplant kidney.

How long can a transplant kidney last ?

It depends on may factors, such as patient’s age, specific illness condition, whether operation is successful, the matched degree of donated kidney, rejection, and on on.

On average, most kidney transplants last somewhere between 10 and 12 years. There is a group number to indicate the transplanted kidney’s lifetime for your reference. According to the report of Organ Transplant Conference in 2008, more than 90% that it will be working on year after the operation; 90% chance that it will last five years after transplant; 60% to 80% chance that it will work ten years after surgery. Actually, compared to transplanted kidney’s survival rate, patients can live longer life. But for all patients who undergo a operation, they have certain life risk which can affect their lifetime.

Is there any other treatment can help kidney failure patient live longer ?

Along with the development of medical technology, kidney transplant or dialysis is no longer the only the kidney failure treatment. On the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we do use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpy for repairing kidney damage and protecting renal function through regulating immune system and discharging extras wastes and toxins in the body. In addition, we do also use some assistant treatments like Mai-Kang Composition, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath for strengthening curative effect.

If need any help in treating kidney failure you can leave message to us, we will try our best to help you.

