
Creatinine Level 3.5 What does that Means in Kidney Disease

Creatinine level of 3.5 what does that means in kidney disease ? Usually, after kidney disease patient done some urine and blood test, the doctors will tell you some corresponding numbers. And creatinine here we mentioned is the serum creatinine, it is one of the indicator of kidney disease.

What does creatinine level of 3.5 means in chronic kidney disease ?

In clinic, creatinine 3.5 caused by pathological factors means the kidneys have been damaged moderately and now the disease is in stage 3, which is a vital stage of kidney disease. With good control, the progression of this disease can be delayed and controlled well. But without good control, this disease may goes worse rapidly. So that demand the patients who are in this situation pay high attention to it and take actions timely to prevent this disease goes worse.

How to lower the high creatinine level in kidney disease?

You know that the high creatinine level is caused by kidney disorder, so if you want to lower it you should to correct the kidney disorder first.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a relatively new treatment for chronic kidney disease which has been proved in clinic to be effective and convenient. It can relieve symptoms such as high creatinine level, swelling, proteinuria, hematuria; control complications such as lowering the risk of heart problems. What is more important, it can help repair renal damages so as to block the process of renal fibrosis and gradually restore kidney functions.

If you have other questions or need any help in treating kidney disease you can send email or leave message to us, we will try our best to help you. Our email: kidneycured@gmail.com

