
Creatinine Level 2.2 in Kidney Disease Means What

Creatinine level 2.2 in kidney disease means what ? You know that creatinine is one of the indicator of kidney function, it can reflect how many kidney function are remaining. But it is not the only indicator, so we can not say the exact percentage of function just according to the creatinine level.

Creatinine level 2.2 in kidney disease means what ?

As we mentioned at the beginning, creatinine level is not the only indicator of kidney function, so we can not say one person with creatinine 2.0 is just have 50% kidney function. Even though, we also can know something from this value.

Creatinine 2.2 can tells us that this person now is in stage 3 and the remaining kidney function is lower than 60%.

How to lower the higher creatinine level ?

For people with high creatinine level, this question is the most concerned question. As for how to lower it, it should be associated with at least three factors--Diet, Living Habit and Treatment.

If you want to lower the high creatinine level, the first thing you should do is to adjust your diet. You’d better make a kidney-friendly diet plan under the construction of your doctor, which is very helpful for protecting the kidneys from further damage.

Then, you should adjust your living habit, make sure that you have a healthy living habit, such as keep away from alcohol, quit from smoking and go to bed early.

The last thing and the most important thing is to find a proper treatment, which is the key point to reverse your disease and lower the high creatinine level.

If you need any help in treating kidney disease, you can leave message to us, we are here waiting to help you.

