
How to Treat Chronic Kidney Disease Without Dialysis

How to treat chronic kidney disease without dialysis ? As we all know kidney disease is a progressive disease, it will induce many symptoms and complications, such as high blood pressure which will make kidney disease more complicate. So if we want to treat it well, we should control those symptoms first.

Why long-terms of high blood pressure will make kidney disease more complex?

Hypertension can cause damage to the blood vessels and filters in the kidney, making removal of waste from the body difficult, thus make damage to the kidneys, thus to make this disease more complex, formed into Diabetic Nephropathy.

How can Four "one" Traditional Chinese Treatment treat Diabetic Nephropathy without dialysis ?

Four "one" Traditional Chinese Treatment is not a single treatment, it is a series treatment which is composed by four kinds of Chinese treatment, they are “an oral Chinese medicine, a bottle of Maikang Mixture, a does of external application Chinese Medicine and a basin of Foot Bath Medicine.”

Each of those treatment has its own features in treating kidney disease, do during the treatment doctor will arrange different treatments for kidney disease patient according to their own condition.

The advantages of this four “one” is that the active ingredients in them can achieve the lesions directly, by discharging toxins from skin, they can help to cure Kidney Disease without make further damage to the kidneys. Compared with Western Medicine, they can cure the disease from the underlying reason and more natural.

If you are interested in Four "one" Traditional Chinese Treatment or need any help in treating Chronic Kidney Disease,  you can leave message to us, or send us email to kidneycured@gmail.com  we will try our best to help you.

