
How to Treat Protein in Urine Naturally for Kidney Disease Patient

How to treat protein in urine naturally for kidney disease patient ? You know protein is one of the most important components of the human body. In fact, after water, protein is the largest constituent of the body and accounts for 16.6% of the body by weight. Protein is so useful to us, so we should pay high attention to the problem associated with it.

A certain amount of protein being excreted is unavoidable, and up to 150mg of protein being excreted is considered normal. But, in some cases, this can multiply quickly and result in too much protein being excreted from the body. This protein comes out in urine and is called proteinuria. There are a number of reasons for high protein in urine, but everything comes down to two underlying factors. There is either an underlying kidney disease that is causing this or it is a precursor to a kidney disease, and if left untreated, it will definitely result in kidney damage.

How to treat protein in urine naturally ?

Since proteinuria is either a symptom or a precursor to kidney problems, there are very few natural remedies as such for the condition. Most natural remedies are restricted to preventing the cause of proteinuria. Thus, diabetic people should look at controlling their high blood sugar levels, while people with hypertension should look at controlling their blood pressure.

There are a number of other treatment options such as medication to control both blood pressure as well as blood glucose levels. However, diet control and lifestyle changes are recommended before the use of medication. Also, exercise is considered very important not only because it helps bring down blood sugar levels but also because it brings down the risk of other lifestyle-related illnesses such as coronary artery disease.

If you need any other help in treating kidney disease, you can leave message to us, we will try our best to help you.

