
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems

Among patients with kidney disease, one common question is frequently discussed, “what can I eat and what cannot be eaten?” Actually, kidney disease patients should develop renal diet plan which helps decrease the amount of wastes and reduce the kidney’s burden. Here, we will talk a topic: what are foods should be avoided by renal disease patients?

According to basic renal dietary principles, patients should make corresponding changes. Of course, not all patients should keep the following foods completely, after all, different patients have different illness conditions. To get an individualized diet plan, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

1. Limit the amount of protein

You will need to limit the amount of protein you eat to help decrease waste in your blood. Therefore, foods that are high in protein are meat, poultry (chicken and turkey), fish, eggs, and dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) you should reduce the daily dosage. Because too much protein will increase kidneys’ burden and worsen renal function.

2. Limit sodium intake

You will have to limit sodium if you have high blood pressure or extra fluid in your body. Table salt, canned foods, soups, salted snacks, and processed meats like deli meats and sausage, are high in sodium. Patients should manage to control sodium intake. Generally speaking, limit your sodium intake to 1500mg each day.

3. Avoid high potassium diet

If your potassium blood levels are too high, it is better to limit high potassium food. Generally speaking, potassium is found in fruits and vegetables, like banana, pear, avocado, spinach, and so on.

4. Limit the amount of phosphorus

High phosphorus level occurs when your kidneys cannot get rid of extra phosphorus. This may cause your bones to lose calcium and weaken. Foods that high in phosphorus and dairy products, beans, peas, nuts and whole grains, cocoa, beer and cola drinks. You’d better keep away from eating them.

5. Limit amount of liquids

When your kidneys cannot discharge extra fluid from the body, you will have swelling and fluid may build up in your lungs. This can cause other health problems, such as shortness of breath

