
Children suffering from kidney stones should be how to do?

An infant kidney stones What are the performance?
According to experts, the urine is the body of metabolic waste products is an important channel, if there is no urine draining out of the human body will have a sharp accumulation of toxins, toxins gather damage to the body of the baby are all aspects of the brain, heart, lung, kidney, liver damage is very serious, so if the parents and children who show difficulty in urination accompanied by fever and other symptoms, should be promptly sent to hospital for treatment.
Early onset of kidney stones in children, older children tend to tell the waist or groin pain, do not tell the kids is manifested crying, facial pallor, cold sweats. May appear urination, urine dripping urine interruption, dysuria, or hematuria, some accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, such as concurrency, then the treatment of systemic symptoms, such as fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, growth retardation and so on. Most white blood cells in urine check occasionally to be seen as the first cases of acute anuria, B-is a simple and easy way to check, kidney stones can be found in time.

Second, how to care for children with kidney stones should be?
About the daily care of children with kidney stones,
First, in addition to children with severe bed rest, in general, children should be more active, in order to facilitate the discharge of stones,
Second, to prevent and treat infections,
Third, more water, no urine of children should be limited according to the condition of drinking water,
Fourth, close observation of urine, urine and traits of children,
Fifth, appropriate restrictions on high calcium foods, eat foods high in oxalic acid free with free food and more food containing oxalate, juice, chocolate, vitamin B6 can be taken orally to prevent stones,
Sixth, strengthen the primary care of children, frequently changes the underwear, infant frequently changes the diapers, promptly after cleaning stool,
Seventh, if you want blues, best consumed within 4-5 hours during the day or at bedtime.

Three have been diagnosed with kidney stones treated?
Being screened for kidney stones is relatively small, there is no obvious symptoms, parents will bring their children home observation, hospitals keep track of, there are obvious symptoms will be admitted to hospital for children with severe, the hospital first take or conservative treatment, do not advocate surgery. But inspection of urine, infection control, so that children pass urine excreted the stones, it is not ranked, kidney failure and other conditions on the surgery, but not surgery, but through the lens or mirror the urinary bladder treatment .

Fourth, how the prognosis of children with kidney stones?
Kidney and urinary system are two completely different systems of the human body does not affect the urinary system stones excreted, and strong generation of children born kidneys ability, unless the child had a kidney on behalf of poor students, kidney stones and healing uncomplicated after the treatment, renal function can be restored child.

Fifth, how to prevent kidney stones in infants?
Prevention of kidney stones in infants, should pay attention to drinking water, drinking lots of water is the most effective form of prevention, control protein, sugar intake, to increase the food intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, calcium reasonable, not excessive taking cod liver oil, and if we consider food related to the original use of the diet should be suspended. Do not hold back, holding back could easily lead to urine concentration will increase the incidence of stones.

