
Uremic patients can not eat what food

Uremic patient's diet is mainly to comply with the limits of protein, add enough calories, sodium restriction , limiting water restrictions several principles potassium , phosphorus ions. Specific uremic patients to fast food are the following :

1 , a small amount of urine edema avoid salt , avoid potassium , eat salty foods ( salted pickles, mustard , etc. ) , high potassium foods ( kelp , seaweed, mushrooms , potatoes , lotus seeds, melon seeds, lean beef , etc. ) , high uric acid foods : such as animal offal, seafood , dried fish , and beans

2 , avoid spicy foods such as chili , pepper , coffee, wine, cocoa.

3 , uremia can not eat foods rooster , goose , pig meat , sea fishy fat objects .

4 , fasting fruit : carambola ( never edible ) , guava , melon , cantaloupe , oranges , bananas, grapefruit and so on.

Four is in everyday life in uremic patients can not eat foods described above , we want to improve the condition of patients with uremia helpful , especially during the treatment of uremia , but it should be noted , is best carried out under the guidance of professional doctors reasonable diet .

5 , beans and bean products : Huang Yan, soybeans , mung beans, red beans , peas , tofu, tofu, soy milk.

6 , gluten products : gluten , flour sausage, baked bran .

7 , dried fruit and candied fruit : melon seeds, peanuts, walnuts , cashews, chestnuts , raisins, dried peaches , dried apricots , dried persimmons .

8 , milk : more than two cups of ice cream and milk .

9 , vegetables: kelp , seaweed , pickles, pickles , pickles.

10 , meat : salt or salted and smoked meats , such as: salted fish , bacon, bacon, duck, ham , sausage, salted , preserved eggs , canned sardines , meat dirty, kidneys, brain.

11 seafood : shrimp, clams, mussels , oysters, crab .

12 , the staple food categories: salty bread , crackers .

13 , fats and oils : butter , salt oil , margarine .

14 , sugar : brown sugar , brown sugar .

15 , condiments : beyond the amount allowed salt, soy sauce , bean paste, sweet chili sauce , curry powder, barbeque sauce , monosodium glutamate.

