
There are several treatments uremia

Uremia There are several treatments ?

In uremic stage of disease , in addition to water , electrolyte, acid-base balance disorders , bleeding tendency, such as further aggravate hypertension , the clinical performance of each organ system dysfunction , and metabolic disorders caused by substances may also occur :

A nervous system

Neurological symptoms are the main symptoms of uremia . In the early uremia, patients often have dizziness , headache , fatigue, comprehension and memory loss and other symptoms. As the disease worsens , there may be irritability, muscle tremors , convulsions ; may eventually develop into apathy, lethargy and coma.

2 , the digestive system

The earliest symptoms of digestive uremic patients is loss of appetite or indigestion, many patients will think this is a symptom of stomach ; exacerbations can occur when anorexia , nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

3 , the cardiovascular system

Uremic patients because of the role of renal hypertension , acidosis, hyperkalemia, sodium and water retention , anemia and toxic substances , etc. , can be heart failure , arrhythmias, and myocardial damage and so on.

4 , the respiratory system

Acidosis in patients with slow and deep breathing , severe acidosis can be seen particularity breathing ( breathing Marcus Moore , also known as acidosis big breath ) . The gas exhaled by the patient with urine, which is the reason due to bacterial decomposition of urea in the saliva formation of ammonia. Can occur in patients with severe pulmonary edema , or pulmonary calcification cellulose pleurisy and other diseases , pulmonary edema and heart failure, hypoalbuminemia, sodium and water retention and other factors related to the role of stay . Cellulose pleurisy is inflammation caused by stimulation of urea ; lung calcification calcium deposition in the lung tissue caused .

