
Suffering from uremia abnormalities of body organs

( 1 ) Digestive performance : digestive performance is the oldest and one of the most common manifestation , mainly anorexia, dyspepsia , abdominal discomfort , and then gradually nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. Severe cases may have glossitis , oral erosions . May have vomiting , blood in the stool if peptic ulcer involving the blood vessels.

( 2 ) the performance of the hematopoietic system : chronic renal failure patients had varying severity of anemia. Renal failure patients have bleeding tendencies, manifested as subcutaneous bleeding , bruising , bleeding gums , epistaxis , severe gastrointestinal bleeding and death can occur . Additionally, you can have abnormal white blood cells , as " toxic " effect , so that the formation and function of white blood cells are obstacles , WBC decrease ( mainly lymphocytes decreased production ) , neutrophil chemotaxis , phagocytosis and killing the ability to destroy bacteria is also reduced.

( 3 ) the performance of the cardiovascular system : common are hypertension, myocarditis and pericarditis uremia , a variety of arrhythmias and heart failure.

( 4 ) the performance of the respiratory system : respiratory system generally breathing difficulties when acidosis, can also be produced bronchitis , pneumonia and pleurisy and other manifestations of uremia .

( 5 ) Skin manifestations: may manifest as skin pale, dry, itchy and " urea cream ."

( 6 ) the skeletal system : Because calcium and phosphorus metabolism, can appear osteoporosis, osteomalacia or osteitis and pain pseudo fractures.

( 7 ) neuropsychiatric symptoms : central manifestations unresponsive, depression, irritability , agitation, convulsions, drowsiness and coma. Peripheral manifestations of disease manifestations such as peripheral nerve degeneration , skin allergies , burning, limb weakness and activity disorders.

( 8 ) endocrine dysfunction :

① parathyroid dysfunction performance : mainly for the performance of hyperparathyroidism , calcium and phosphorus metabolism may occur , the above changes in uremic osteodystrophy .

② thyroid dysfunction: Zheng Jian : weakness , fatigue , drowsiness , dry skin, hearing loss, tendon reflexes , and low body temperature .

③ sexual dysfunction : Women showed irregular menstruation, amenorrhea or reduced . Men mainly as impotence and decreased sperm motility . Children showed delayed sexual maturity .

