
Nursing Considerations pregnant women during uremia

1 Adjust diet

Third trimester fetal growth phase rapidly , the demand for energy to reach the peak , you need more protein , vitamins and iron, calcium intake. The uremic patients should avoid eating foods high in phosphorus . Patients should be high-calorie, high- protein , low potassium , low-phosphorus diet program based, calorie 125.5 ~ 146.5KJ / (kg · d), protein intake of 1.5g / (kg · d), to oral multidimensional elements tablets a day. Limiting sodium and water intake , eating rice -based, not soup.

Nursing Considerations pregnant women during uremia

Nursing Considerations pregnant women during uremia

2 good patient attitude adjustment

Due to fear of disease and uremia both pregnant drug effects on the fetus , but also worried about their physical condition can successfully produce , mother could be safe , as well as future great economic pressure , resulting in anxiety and depression and other emotions , family members should be patient and listen tell patients to understand their words and deeds , to express concern and support through physical and non- physical language , the husband should accompany each examination and treatment to relieve their tension.

3 . Strict implementation of Discharge Instructions

Patients should continue after discharge hemodialysis treatment , 3 times / week ; moving - arteriovenous fistula is the lifeblood of hemodialysis patients , patients should be prepared to protect the left limb , child care process, to avoid fistula limb compression, and to note the strength of the noise and tremors at the fistula . High- protein diet should eat , pay attention to changes in blood pressure monitored regularly postnatal examination.

