
How uremic patients with renal failure the correct selection of antihypertensive drugs

Chronic nephritis, hypertension can damage the kidneys, in order to prevent this vicious cycle , so patients have " to lower blood pressure in the end" determination. Strive to blood pressure control to the desired level. When proteinuria more than 1 g per day , the blood pressure control at 125 / 75 mm Hg or less ; When it rains one gram daily urinary protein , blood pressure can be raised to 130 / 80 mm Hg or less. Progression of chronic nephritis , renal units exist in healthy high compensatory hemodynamic status , hypertension can lead to further aggravate the disease glomerular injury . So the positive control of hypertension can prevent renal damage worse. There are obviously satisfied for water retention who diuretics as first choice.

① kidney hospital currently commonly used antihypertensive drugs of choice are : angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors : such as captopril , enalapril , benazepril , cilazapril , etc. ;

How uremic patients with renal failure the correct selection of antihypertensive drugs

How uremic patients with renal failure the correct selection of antihypertensive drugs

② calcium antagonists : amlodipine, nifedipine , nicardipine, nitrendipine , etc. ; >>> antihypertensive medicine to take more than what happens ③ How to choose antihypertensive drugs for kidney failure , experts recommend β blockers stagnation drugs: renin -dependent hypertension has a good effect . Such as metoprolol , atenolol ;

③ α1 blockers : prazosin has a vasodilator effect , can dilate small arteries , veins ;

④ vasodilators : hydralazine as a good blood pressure lowering effect . These are the experts explain how to choose renal antihypertensive drugs .

Some side effects of high blood pressure appear ⑤ visible rash , itching , fatigue, dizziness , nausea, coughing , abnormal taste . Individuals proteinuria , neutropenia , neutropenia and SGPT, SGOT increased, resume after the withdrawal . Renal impairment may occur elevated serum creatinine , oliguria can cause hyperkalemia , serum potassium should be checked regularly , if the higher potassium , fasting potassium-rich bananas and other fruits and vegetables. Occasionally angioedema , arrhythmia .

