
To know more uremic patients daily Precautions

Routine precautions uremia are:

1 , observed their symptoms. Because kidney patients must often observe whether edema or sicker , will lead to changes in urine and blood pressure changes. These routine precautions uremia is more important.

To know more uremic patients daily Precautions

To know more uremic patients daily Precautions

2 , pay attention to rest . General adult sleep 7-8 hours , but most patients with chronic kidney because less activity , bed a long time, often because of poor sleep , which in turn affects the treatment and prognosis. So to fully guarantee the patient's sleep. It also belongs to everyday precautions uremia .

3, note that cold. After the cold because their blood vessels shrink the body occurs , blood pressure. So go out in the winter should wear a mask. Do not walk barefoot in the summer , do not blow long fan , not a long soak in cold water. Because the cold will increase the burden on the kidneys , the disease is quite negative. These routine precautions uremia more common.

