
Lead to exacerbation of the disease in patients with uremia reason

1 did not detect early symptoms : Many patients with chronic kidney disease early check slightly abnormal serum creatinine no attention until malaise, nausea and vomiting , symptoms of clinical proteinuria , anemia , high blood pressure , serum creatinine over 500 more than before embarking treatment. At a time when the treatment of the disease has been delayed prime time , leading to need long-term dialysis treatment , and even the need for a kidney transplant .

2 infections : patients with decreased immunity due to systemic uremia , easily co-infection , infection sites include systemic infection and local urinary tract infections. Infected patients , may increase the body burden and promote further deterioration of renal function is an important factor in causing uremia aggravated . Thus , uremic patients should pay attention to prevent infection.

3 Heart disease : heart disease can affect patients with systemic effective circulating blood volume, blood volume makes the kidneys less efficient . In addition, patients in heart failure , usually accompanied by systemic reflux disorder , kidney congestion in the state , adding uremia. Uremia can aggravate heart disease or congestive heart failure, pericardial tamponade .

4 use of nephrotoxic drugs : drugs can cause renal toxicity has aggravated uremia aminoglycoside antibiotics , iodine contrast agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

