
Can Chinese Herbal Teas Lower Creatinine 5.7

Creatinine level 5.7 should draw your highly attention because it is extremely high, which means kidney has been damaged severely. Many patients are eager to know what treatment can help lower such a high creatinine level. In our Treatment Center point, some Chinese herbal teas show good curative effect reducing High Creatinine Level.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is one common herb that can help reduce serum creatinine level. This benefit has been proven to be attributed to abundant antioxidants.

Nettle leaf tea

It is one good choice for people with elevated creatinine level to drink one or two cups of nettle leaf tea, but not all patients can consume it.

Ginseng tea

It has benefits of boosting kidney function and immune system. Only if kidney function keeps in high level, can creatinine level reduce radically.

Herbal tea can be a good option to reduce elevated creatinine level, but they bring temporary treatment effect. If you’d like to reduce high creatinine level from the root, aside from home remedies, you should also look for more effective medical treatments. You also can ask help from our Online Doctor or email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com and we will give free help within 24 hours!

If you can not get your problem resolved with herbal teas, you can take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This is a herbal treatment and reduces high serum creatinine 5.7 by increasing renal filtration function. It is an innovation of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and so far has been successfully used to treat kidney disease patients from around 100 countries. This herbal treatment has four functions: anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation of extracellular matrix and dilation of blood vessels. With help of this herbal treatment, renal filtration function can be improved greatly. We know serum creatinine level increases because of impaired kidney function, so after this treatment, creatinine level goes down naturally.

