
What Are All Available Treatments for 5cm Kidney Cyst

5cm kidney cyst is so large that patients may suffer from symptoms and discomfort, such as back pain, hypertension, swelling, blood in urine, etc, which should draw patient’s highly attention. One of concerned questions are often mentioned by patients: what are all available treatments for 5cm kidney cyst?


A healthy kidney is about 10-12cm in lengthen, 5-6cm in width and 3-4cm in thickness, so a 5cm kidney cyst is a very large one. The surface of the kidney cysts can be cut off by surgery like laparoscopic renal cyst decortication, but to cut deep buried cyst is difficult. Large cyst which is prone to malignant transformation can have a surgical detect, if confirmed for benign cyst, can adopt the renal capsule wall resection. Actually, our kidney is covered with a membrane where there is nerve. Therefore, surgery is not a very easy, in addition, it also can increase risks like infection.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Some Chinese medicines can be applied to shrink kidney cyst. We know small kidney cyst is harmless, so by shrinking large kidney cyst to a small size, potential kidney damages and back pain caused by the cyst can be avoided.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is an innovated treatment from Traditional Chinese Medicine which can help shrink cysts naturally and improve renal function from the root. The kidney cysts will be shrunk with the effect of the micro-Chinese medicine of dilating blood vessels and promote the blood circulation. Thus the permeability of cysts will be increased and the fluid in the cysts will be decreased. This therapy can also can adjust the immune system and improve the immunity of the body, providing a good inner environment for the repair of the damaged kidney cells.

Through the comparison, I believe you can make a good and wise decision when you choose treatment plans. Any questions, you can email to us at
 kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly and we will do our best to help you.

