
How to Stop Hematuria for CKD Patients Naturally

Urine changes are typical symptoms for patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). Among which, hematuria (blood in urine) are more commonly seen. Well then, how to stop bloody urine for CKD patients?

The underlying causes of hematuria in CKD.

Blood urine is called when more than three red cells appear in our urine under the microscope. As we know, the kidney structure of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease has already been damaged more or less, So the barriers in glomeruli can not hinder the leaking of many useful substances. Besides, the damaged kidney tubules will also increase the amount of proteins leaking into the urine. Thereby, it is normal that large amount of red cells will be excreted by urine, and the color of it will be red.

Well then, how to relieve blood in urine naturally?

Diet Therapy and healthy lifestyles

To protect their health, patients who have blood urine in Stage 3 CKD should change their lifestyle, because lifestyle has a significant influence on their health. In their diet, it is better for them to ask their doctors’ or nutritionists’ advices, and some basic points may be the same. For example, the protein intake should be appropriate, because too much or too little will be harmful to patients. In their life, they should do exercise regularly, have enough rest and change their bad life habits. What’s more, accepting right treatment is the only way to solve this problem radically.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

If blood urine is due to kidney damage, some herbal therapies that can help repair damaged kidney cells and rebuild kidney filtering structure effectively. For example, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one therapy that can help rebuild kidney structure and keep blood cells from leaking effectively. Because it make full use of advantages of Chinese Herbal Medicine. These medicines have properties of dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and supplying necessary nutrients. They will lay a solid foundation for recovering renal function. As long as kidney function can be enhanced, blood in urine also can be stopped from the root. Try it, so you can find an obvious difference.

If you want to get more help, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com, or leave a message below directly.

