
Is It Necessary to Do Dialysis for Patients with 5.2 Creatinine Level

In theory, creatinine level 5.2 absolutely increases to the level that required dialysis. However, due to the severe side effects of dialysis, some patients wonder that is it necessary to do dialysis with such a high creatinine level. Now, let’ see the article.

Dialysis is life-saving treatment for patients with Kidney Failure. It can help In general, dialysis is suggested when serum creainine level increase to 5. But in reality, many kidney failure patients do not start dialysis until their life is really threatened. Actually, in some cases of renal failure, patients experience severe nausea, vomiting, itching skin and some other discomforts when their creatinine level increases to as high as 5.2. In that case, dialysis is needed to purify blood and remit these symptoms. However, in some other cases, patients have no obvious discomforts, even if their creatinine level increases to an extremely high level like 8 or 9. Under such a condition, they can live without dialysis.

Read here, I believe that you have the confusion: is must do dialysis if patients suffer from a lot due to high creatinine level?

Actually, as long as patients have urine output, there is a great chance to avoid dialysis. If you have been on dialysis for a period, you should also take joint treatments for repairing kidney damage and improve renal function from the root.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be your good choice. It is a herbal treatment and have been proven to be able to improve renal function. In case of creatinine 5.2 in renal failure, this therapy will work to clean the blood, remove harmful substances out of the body, improve the blood circulation, repair the damaged kidneys, and restore the renal function. Then, the disease will not deteriorate in the future and increased creatinine can be normalized naturally.

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