
Can I Stop Dialysis after High Creatinine Level Decreases

Quite a number of Kidney Failure patients find that their creatinine level can be reduced obviously after several times of dialysis. So, it is hard to avoid such a thought: Can I Stop dialysis treatment after creatinine level comes down?

It is a pity to tell you that you cannot stop dialysis freely. You cannot make the decision only on the basis if creatinine levels. You must be curious but take it easy. You can have a good understanding by the following reasons:

A normal creatinine level does not mean your kidney condition is good. In clinic, creatinine level won’t increase until there is 50% at least renal function s missing. That’s to say, if your kidney damage stays in a mild condition, the creatinine level may still stay in a normal level. Therefore, creatinine level is not a very smart and accurate medical measure.

Normal creatinine level doesn’t mean you have a blood environment. Creatinine is just a kind of small sized toxins. When your kidneys are damage, there may be as much as 90 kinds of toxins building up in your blood. It is unlucky that dialysis fails to remove big sized toxins from blood. Therefore, dialysis cannot be stopped.

In addition, Dialysis, an artificial kidney, can replace part of kidney filtering function and remove some wastes from the body. This is why so many patients find their creatinine level decreases after dialysis. However, they can’t stop dialysis, because this treatment is just a replacing treatment but not a repairing kidney function therapy.

Aside from dialysis, patients should also try alternative treatments. In our Treatment center point, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Blood Pollution Therapy, etc can be your good choices for reducing creatinine level naturally. If you’d like to learn more their curative effects, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or just talk with me through Whatsapp or Viber +8613933102807!

