
How Long Does Stage 3 Kidney Failure Last

Stage 3 Kidney Failure means the patient’s kidney has been damaged moderately. Actually, without timely treatments, it can still progress into more advanced stages just like Stage 5 CKD or End Stage Renal Disease. Well then, how long does stage 3 renal failure last?

Generally speaking, there are three possible conditions for stage 3 kidney failure patients with different conditions. That’s to say, different patients may have different life expectancy and prognosis. Now, let’s see the three conditions:

1. Renal failure is kept in stage 3 forever.

It is very possible for kidney disease patients to stay in stage 3 forever if treatment is timely and proper. In the stage, although kidneys are damaged to some extent, it is enough to maintain the body’s work because of strong kidney compensatory ability. But more importantly, if you want to prevent stage 3 from developing to stage 4 or 5, you must protect residual renal tissues and cells firstly and then repair damaged renal intrinsic cells.

2. Slow down progression of stage 3 renal failure.

In many cases, patients are prescribed various oral medications to remit symptoms or ease complications of renal disease. To be frank, these medications are effective in stopping kidney disease temporarily, however, they fail to help patients avoid kidney failure. To large extent, they just can help you slow down development of illness conditions.

3. Develop into Stage 5 CKD gradually.

If we leave stage 3 kidney failure alone, it will progress into end stage renal disease eventually. In that condition, dialysis or kidney transplant will be needed. Although they are effective to maintain patient’s life to some extent, both of them are risky which can affect life and health a lot.

Through the above analysis, we can see that how long Stage 3 Kidney Failure lasts completely depends on what treatment you takes. In our Treatment center point, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Immunotherapy, Blood Pollution Therapy, etc can be your available choices. If you want to learn more details, contact us: kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

