
Treatments Options for Kidney Failure Patients in China

 Kidney Failure is a dangerous disease which can shorten patients’ life largely. Hence, for patient with renal failure, they are concern more about what treatment options they can have now. Here, we will help patients solve the problem.

According to characteristics of treatments, we divide renal failure treatment option into two parts: conventional treatment and alternative treatment. Through the following introduction, I believe you can make the best and wise choice about treatment plan. Any questions, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

Conventional treatment

Dialysis and Kidney Transplant are conventional treatment for kidney failure patients. The former is most commonly used for kidney failure when their kidneys lost most of their kidney function. It can replace the failed kidneys to cleanse blood, but it cannot repair kidney damage. What’s more, long-term dialysis can induce severe side effects. The later is often regarded as the best way for renal failure. However, it is difficult to get a matched kidney in limited time. In addition, after kidney transplant, patients need to take lifelong immunosuppressive agents, and patients may also have the risk of getting second kidney damage.

Alternative treatment

In our Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Treatment Center, our alternative treatments includes the following treatments:

Blood Pollution Therapy-aims at cleaning the polluted blood and removing toxins and wastes out. Through supplying more elements into blood and rebuild kidney function, it can help patients avoid dialysis or kidney transplant.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy-the therapy is very a popular treatment because it focus on repairing kidney damage and improving renal function from the root. It can help stop progression of kidney failure and make a good prognosis for patients.

Stem Cell Therapy-shows an obvious effect on repairing and rebuilding kidney functioning cells. In the condition, the poor renal function can get improvement and kidney will also function normally after the new cells replace the necrotic cells. Last, patients will also get rid of dialysis and live a improved-quality life.

