
How to Cure or Reduce High Creatinine Level in Natural Way

 High Creatinine Level is a typical symptom for patients with Kidney Failure. Usually, when creatinine level reaches to 5, dialysis will suggested to patients. However, compared to dialysis treatment, patients are more eager to know how to cure or reduce elevated creatinine level in natural ways.

Here are several suggestions which are suggested by our kidney expert who work in our Treatment center point. If you have any questions or want to get individualized treatment, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

Diet Management

The most naturally effective way to decrease creatinine level is by ditching the meat on your plate and having a fully vegetarian diet. Actually being a vegan is the best choices because dairy products and meat have been proven to increase the risk factors of getting diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes which are dangerous to kidneys’ health. Besides, a person with high creatinine level should limit the intake of mineral vanadium below 100mcg per day. This is because high vanadium intake tends to increase the levels of creatinine. Patients who suffer from diabetes and blood sugar issues should note this as they usually consume this agent.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM has been used for centuries. The principle of traditional Chinese medicine theory is to treat disease from the root. We find that root cause of kidney damaged is polluted blood which causes persistent inflammations. As a result, large amount of wastes deposit inside the kidneys, leading to ischemia and anoxia of kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is a commonly used therapy for kidney disease patients. It can purify the blood and increase the whole blood circulation. Therefore, kidneys can get enough blood volume and oxygen to function well. It is an external application that is used with the help of osmotic device. It is very natural for patients and won’t cause any side effects and discomforts.

