
Medicated Bath for Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure, or Renal Failure means the kidney damage with gradually renal function, so that patients suffer from numerous symptoms and complications. In order to protect residual renal function and stop progression of illness conditions, patients need to take early and correct treatments, which can help make good prognosis for them. Here, let’ see about Medicated Bath for patients with renal failure.

Medicated Bath in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

In our hospital, the mainstream and unique treatment develop from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Medicated Bath Therapy is a one of featured and external treatment in treating the kidney damage. In Chinese medicine theory, skin is the most biggest organ in our body, which has the functions of secretion, absorption, osmosis, feeling, etc. The mechanism of the treatment is based on the functions of skin, combining with ingredients of herbal medicines which are put into warm water in medicated bath, so that the function of skin and kidneys can be promoted obviously.

How does medicated bath work on kidney disease patients?

1. Dilate blood vessels and improve the blood circulation.

2. Increase the body metabolism and remove toxins and wastes out.

3. Promote blood circulation and increase the blood volume into kidneys

4. Improve the immune system and prevent inflammations or infections

5. Bring more nutrition and oxygen to kidneys, which can repair damaged kidney tissues and improve renal function.

Where can I get the treatment?

So far, you need to come to China for the treatments, because they are the unique treatments of our hospital. Of course, in order to help more patients, we are also look for partners. Any questions, you can email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly.

