
An office worker into the kidney "tired" bad

Gu vain busy during the day and drink water, stay up late at night coming to 12:00, usually socialize total constantly, meat and fish, which is now a state office workers live, not knowing that these habits serious injury crisp flesh of our kidneys, there are a Office workers have been put into the kidney to the "tired" bad, kidney disease overwhelming.

Severe kidney disease situation dramatically

According to China's epidemiology survey shows that the incidence of chronic kidney disease has reached about 10%, including end-stage renal uremia of 0.1%, which means that 10 adults, there is a person suffering from chronic kidney disease. Visible kidney disease has become one of the most important disease threat to human health.

In 2012 the number of registered hemodialysis patients was 28 million, the number of peritoneal dialysis patients about 37,000, calculated from the beginning of 2001, the number of patients in two treatment CAGR of 23% and 20%, the number of dialysis patients in recent years there accelerating growth trend. Hypertension and diabetes may develop ESRD, with the development of the disease spectrum, we expect to 2023, the number of patients receiving blood purification therapy may be more than 2 million, the market size will exceed 100 billion yuan, the current blood purify more than six times the size of the market.

Quickly self-test it: your body sends these signals did not?

1, increased urination foam, often expressed increased urinary excretion of protein.

2, blood in the urine, which hematuria is the most common manifestation of renal disease, acute and chronic nephritis, urinary tract infections, urinary tract stones or tumors may hematuria.

3, increased frequency of urination, urgency and urinary tract pain, often suggestive of urinary tract infection.

4, eyelid edema and lower extremity edema is one of the common symptoms of kidney disease.

5, nocturia increased urine output than the average daytime and nighttime urine volume was 3-4 times: 1, if the imbalance, nocturia increased, often expressed kidney damage, should go to the hospital to check kidney function.

6, waist pain, no history of trauma or lumbar muscle strain, should pay attention to the situation of the kidney. To check the urine and kidneys B ultrasound or abdominal X-ray.

Women hidden "kidney crisis"! Healthy people, beware nephropathy "sneak attack"

Some people are busy with work and long holding back, or simply do not drink all day, which can cause urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis, repeated episodes can cause chronic infection may also develop uremia. Common clinical kidney stones, hydronephrosis, etc., are also closely related and long time without water.

In addition to primary glomerulonephritis, the accelerating pace of life in modern society, overwork, drug abuse and other unhealthy diet and lifestyle, is increasingly becoming a kidney "killer."

For the treatment of kidney disease, the patient must be "as early as possible," Do not wait until a serious condition before going for treatment, this time has missed the best timing of treatment, treatment difficulty will increase exponentially, whether economic or spiritual patients are double blow Therefore, treatment of kidney disease must be timely.

Workers must pay more attention to protecting the kidneys, the usual diet, do not hold back, do not stay up late, to ensure good health, if it is found edema, or abnormal urine foam, mental fatigue, back pain and other symptoms should go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment, if you need to learn about other related content, please feel free to consult our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

