
Chronic nephritis, renal insufficiency with caution in patients with eating

bamboo shoots
   Bamboo shoots, also known as bamboo shoots, edible part of the primary, tender fat, short strong buds or whip, is an excellent health vegetables. Jie shoots throughout the year, but only bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots taste the best. As a vegetable, whether it is salad, fry or soup, all fresh fragrance, so bamboo shoots in China since ancient times is considered "food kind treasures."

Chinese medicine believes that shoots sweet, slightly cold, phlegm, qi and stomach, diabetes, Lee waterways, Lee diaphragm cool stomach and other effects. Modern medical studies have proven that shoots fat, starch rarely, is a natural low-fat, low-calorie foods, weight loss share obese.

Due to thick and strong shoots shape, from the "form fill-shaped" misunderstanding, many French men think, bamboo shoots can be used as a male impotence, also French lady thought, bamboo shoots can improve breast shape, eat more and can make it more upright. In fact, this view is wrong.

Shoots sex is cold, contain more crude fiber and insoluble calcium oxalate, is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients. Nephropathy in patients with poor appetite, most inadequate nutritional intake, so the chronic nephritis and renal dysfunction is very unfavorable. Bamboo is rich in crude fiber, easy to make excessive gastrointestinal motility, intestinal ulcers thus gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer with active bleeding and people should not eat bamboo shoots. And bamboo shoots in patients with calcium oxalate urinary stones on very unfavorable. Such as urinary calculi patients eat bamboo shoots, should first of its cook 5 minutes in boiling water to remove more calcium oxalate.

Therefore, bamboo shoots, and not as a routine of food with kidney disease. In order to maximize our kidneys and absorption of nutrients, please eat bamboo shoots.

For more information on kidney disease, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

