
Mistakes Yang Shen

Kidney and is closely related to our body, it is called the birth of the source of life, the health of a person's life are inseparable from the kidney. Chinese medicine and Western medicine renal kidney is not exactly the same concept. Kidney mainly from the perspective of Chinese medicine in terms of functionality, which includes the body's reproductive, urinary, nervous, skeletal and other tissues, organs, can regulate body functions, providing "vitality", "driving force" for the activities of life. And Chinese medicine, said not only include commonly known as kidney kidney kidney organs, including known as the "birth of the" life of the system, in the case of the five elements in his water, and bladder, bone marrow, brain, hair, ears , two together constitute the kidney yin and other systems.

Misunderstanding one: Yang Shen is a man thing

A reference to Yang Shen, most people thought it was a man's thing. In fact, this is a misunderstanding, women also need to Yang Shen. Kidney is the innate, and "kidney essence, the main growth and development" ,, growing female friend's life, developmental, reproductive, physiological aging process at all stages, can be said to have had a close relationship with kidney renal failure, and women friends some unique physiological phenomena, such as menstruation, vaginal discharge, fetal pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, also closely associated with kidney essence.

Beautiful woman with healthy kidney is the birthplace. If a woman appears kidney, it will no longer beautiful, there will be hair off early, depression, memory loss, menstrual disorders, bad skin and other symptoms. And many gynecological diseases, such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, vaginal discharge A thin, slippery fetal movement, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, decreased sexual function, breast hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, menopausal syndrome are related to kidney and kidney-related fatigue. Therefore, women need Yang Shen.

Second Myth: Yang Shen is impotence

Kidney does not mean impotence. Because women have male kidney function, kidney is not just the change in sexual function, but also contains a series of changes in this body. In the kidney symptoms, reproductive function decline is just one symptom. Kidney not only to address reproductive function decline, but also to other physical symptoms improved and rehabilitation.

In addition, there are kidney and kidney deficiency of the points, only kidney yang can "impotence", if you are a kidney, originally Yin "wang" is tantamount to come impotence equal to "inflame" . Therefore, Yang Shen must symptomatic remedy.

Misunderstanding number three: that of kidney function decline

A lot of people heard his own kidney, and on guard, thought he was dying of sexual function. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Kidney does not mean sexual function decline. Kidney contains more pathological changes of the body, and sexual function, including human sexuality, sexual and other aspects, by physiological, psychological, social and environmental impact. Beijing University of Chinese Medicine an investigation for more than 700 sexual function disorders showed that only 32.9% of people are caused by kidney.

We talked about Chinese medicine, the kidney is the concept of a syndrome, for example, people who have kidney sweating, frequent toileting, Yaoxisuanruan, decreased libido and other symptoms, but not to say that as long as these symptoms are kidney. Determine whether the kidney, need to go through look and smell, and many consultations, after a comprehensive analysis to determine whether the kidney.

Myth four: young talent Yang Shen

Many young people think sex more frequently, work pressure, coupled with the many effects of bad habits, it's easy kidney, so we must Yang Shen. In fact, compared to the young people, the elderly should Yang Shen. Kidney is the root of life, middle-aged people more likely to kidney, "Yellow Emperor" that people over 40, "kidney failure" over 60, "kidney failure, are very physical." Among them, the middle-aged men often appear deficiency, there waist and knees, impotence embolism; older women are prone to kidney, expressed as dry mouth, dry lips, peeling, dry eyes, etc., so the elderly more should be more kidney.

For more information on kidney disease, please visit our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

