
What are common for children with IgA nephropathy have kidney damage

IgA nephropathy is a group of children is not associated with disease, the immune pathology biopsy in glomerular mesangial area dominated by granular IgA deposition diseases. What are common for children with IgA nephropathy have kidney damage? IgA nephropathy is a diagnostic immunopathology name, clinical hematuria glomerulonephritis, is a leading cause of end-stage renal failure. Common types of kidney damage are the following:

One, episodes of gross hematuria children

Often occur in a variety of respiratory tract infection after 1-3d gross hematuria, it is also called pharyngitis synchronization hematuria, this point and common sense after acute nephritis different chains. Deformability of red blood cells in the urine form the main tips for glomerular hematuria. In addition to gross hematuria, but in some cases accompanied by the waist and (or) abdominal pain, often misdiagnosed as urinary stones, acute abdomen (appendicitis) and so on. Such pain may be related to the ureter or lower gastrointestinal mucosal inflammatory lesions of small arteries, is a systemic vasculitis lesions performance. The electron microscope display small intestinal arterial injury was fibrinoid necrosis, IgA, C3 and fibrin deposition of IgA nephropathy support the gastrointestinal tract have also been damaged.

Second, children with nephrotic syndrome

Individually or in some cases with hypertension, hematuria. Such as histopathology glomerulosclerosis and renal vascular sclerosis have poor prognosis. A certain proportion of children with IgA nephropathy.

Three, children nephritic syndrome

This type of performance is microscopic hematuria with / without asymptomatic mild edema, often misdiagnosed as the flu glomerulonephritis chain, found in urine screening examination findings and confirmed by biopsy.

Four, simple proteinuria

With proteinuria as the first symptom in most pediatric mild or moderate proteinuria showed no swelling and other symptoms of kidney damage.

Five, children rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

Rare. Continued gross hematuria, proteinuria associated with the heart, brain involvement, abrupt deterioration of renal function in the short term, there is a wide range of renal biopsy (50% -100%) glomerular crescent form. Severe hematuria may occur due to acute tubular hemoglobin toxicity and renal tubular obstruction tubular necrosis.

If you have other questions about kidney disease, you can consult our website, our web site is: www.kidney-cure.org

